By Dr Kiril Chukanov
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 2024; Kazanluk, Bulgaria, summer of 2024
Two and half years passed since a stroke made me physical and spiritual invalid. I started the present article at the beginning of this 2024 year and after painful work on it I finished it in the middle of the same year.
Note: All figures and calculations are posted at the end of this article.
Most Nobel Prize awards in physics are given for research in the field of elementary particles. Why? Simply, because of officially accepted scientific dogma which claims that universe started (at the Big Bang) in a very hot state when matter was composed by quarks, gluons, electrons, and high energy photons. Quarks and gluons combined in various ways and formed different elementary particles including stable protons. Time elapsed and protons were accumulated in big amounts. The mean temperature of the universe was more than 2 million kelvins. The universe was too hot to form stable nuclei. The Universe was super-hot plasma composed by protons and electrons and radiation (photons). Then followed expansion, inflation, formation of atoms of hydrogen and helium, and so, on. We know this false official theory. JWST disproved the dogma of Big Bang beginning of the universe, but official science did not. At the very edge of the universe – only few hundred million years from the point of what was expected to be great explosion of the primordial super-dense grain of the universe – JWST was seeing the same structure of the universe as we see it in our close environment: well-formed big galaxies, stars composed by all chemical elements (no pristine stars), no dark period in the evolution of the universe. Everywhere the same!
Higgs boson (God particle)
According to one very popular theory in official science (authored by Peter Higgs and others), a subatomic particle (Higgs boson, of ‘God Particle” as it was called later) gives mass to other elementary particles. The presumed Higgs boson was discovered in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012. In fact, there was discovered ordinary boson belonging to the triplet (W, Z, X Higgs). See Fig. 1,2, II-6.3. GQM I, “Real Elementary Particle of the Second Period”.
The “Standard Model” is one of the icons in contemporary official Fundamental Physical Science. According to this model, the interactions between two elementary particles are realized with the help of some material fields. Nucleons and quarks exchange virtual bosons, electrically charged particles exchange virtual photons, all material particles with gravity mass exchange virtual gravitons, etc. Virtual particles are the building blocks of these imaginary material fields. The speed of all interactions is limited by the speed of light. Planck’s constant “h” limits the time-interval of these interactions. In Quantum Mechanics “virtual particles” are considered as phantom particles, which cannot be detected IN PRINCIPLE during their time of existence. Such a way they are “imaginary particles”.
According to the last experiments with elementary particles, and in conforming with philosophy of “General Quantum Mechanics”, the elementary particles cannot exist independently when they are not observed by ALIVE OBSERVER/EXPERIMENTATOR. So, the main dogma of the Standard Model is WRONG! There is no such a sub-particle “God Particle” that gives mass to other particles.
Quarks are not real particles; they cannot exist as independent particles. As was explained by me in GQM quarks reflect some basic symmetries. See Figures 1 and 2 in present article.
Proton and Electron are “father/mother-particles”, all other particles are heavier derivates of these unique basic particles. GQM I, “Elementary Particles”, and other publications of GQM. See GQM I, Structural Levels of Elementary Particles.
In 1935, the Japanese theorist Hideki Yukawa proposed that a particle two hundred to three hundred times heavier than an electron could transmit a new force that acts only on the scale of the nucleus, explaining why a nucleus holds together despite the mutual repulsion of its protons.
The muon was discovered as a constituent of cosmic-ray particle “showers” in 1936 by the American physicists Carl D. Anderson and Seth Neddermeyer. This particle, which lived just microsecond was like the electron but hundreds of times heavier, turned out to be key to unlocking the secrets of the Standard Model. Here’s how it revolutionized particle physics.
Hideki Yukawa was awarded by the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1949 for theoretical prediction of muon.
Leon Lederman, Melvin Schwartz and Jack Steinberger received the 1988 Physics prize for their 1962 discovery of the muon-neutrino. At the time, only the electron-neutrino was known.
However, theoretical prediction of the muon (its gravity mass) has nothing to do with reality. False start for Standard Model. Wrong Nobel Prize was given to the Japanese scientist!
Z, W particles
Z particle, massive electrically neutral carrier particle of the weak force that acts upon all known subatomic particles. It is the neutral partner of the electrically charged W particle. The Z particle has a mass of 91.19 gigaelectron volts (GeV; 109 eV), nearly 100 times that of the proton. The W is slightly lighter, with a mass of 80.4 GeV. Both particles are very short-lived, having lifetimes of only about 10−25 second. According to the Standard Model of particle physics, the W and Z particles are the gauge bosons that mediate the weak force responsible for some types of radioactive decay and for the decay of other unstable, short-lived subatomic particles.
In fact, the Higgs boson X is third member of triplet (W, Z, X HIGGS). Noting special, just ordinary elementary particle – boson. Wrong Nobel Prize for Francois Englert and Peter Higgs. See Figures 1 and 2.

The basic model of every material object, including the whole universe, is shown on figures below. See Figure 3. This model reflects existing philosophical principles and symmetries governing the structure of all material objects in the universe which make them stable and self-sufficient. For details see GQM I, Fundamental Laws of World Harmony. Below are shown basic models of electron, proton, universe, and every other material object. And, basic formulae determining their physical parameters, which current Official Physical Science based on wrong fundamental principles (mostly mathematical) is unable to do it.

Electron and its counterpart Proton are real “God Particles”. They are stable elementary particles, while all other particles (leptons, baryons, mesons, resonances) are unstable particles and, in fact, they are heavier derivates of electron and proton. The electron and the proton are in the basis of material world; “proton matter” is the ‘hard’ material substance in the universe, while the “electron matter” is the material space in which the “proton matter” material substance exists. See Figures 11.

The wrong theory of Big Bang claims that at the super-hot beginning of the universe, the universe was composed by photons and quarks, from which originated, in process of expansion (and cooling), all elementary particles, including the stable electrons and protons. Russian academician E. P. Velihov suggests that the primordial state of universe (just a moment after imaginary Big Bang) was very hot soup of quarks and gluons.

The internal stability of electron is due to the balance of the centrifugal force Fcentr and electrical force Fc. See Fig. 5. The gravitational force Fg is too weak to balance the centrifugal force Fcentr, so, new kind of charge appears – elementary electrical charge e. The value Re represents the minimum world standard for space. There are no material objects in the 3-D space l which have spatial dimension smaller than this minimum quantum standard.

Proton is a ‘development’ of the really “God Particle” in the World/Universe the electron in the three-dimensional space l. See Fig.6. On Fig. 7 is shown the basic model of the proton and its internal stability. Also, why the proton is considered composed by sub-particles named ‘partons’ observed when they are bombarded by fast electrons. See Fig. 8 a, 8 b.

The minimum element of the “protonic universe” (hard, visible, touchable, accessible to our material senses) is the proton. On point ’19-1’ is the limit of continuous division/growing of the material world. On this extreme point a quantum leap from the biggest to the smallest, or vice versa, from the smallest to the biggest happens. Diametrically opposite point on the “Great Circle” of material world is point 10. Here is the central place of the Alive Observer – Life on the planet Earth; it is the unique life in the universe. See Figures 11 A, B.
‘Development’ velocity on axis l is Vatom. This velocity is, in fact, the ‘shift velocity’ of the proton by contrast of the electron in simplest atom- hydrogen atom. The ‘shift velocity” of the protonic universe by contrast of electronic matter (the space in the universe) is the same (very close actually) – about 3×107 cm/sec. See calculations. This velocity is measured by astronomers as a ‘shift’ in the spectrum of the ‘relict background radiation’ by contrast of the ‘protonic matter universe’.

On Figures 9 and 10 is presented the basic model of the simplest atom – hydrogen atom.

The basic model of the universe is presented on Fig. 13. Spatial dimension Run and the mass of universe Mun are calculated.
Hydrogen atom is the min representer of the “proton-electron” universe. See Fig.11,b.

What is the origin of gravity mass of electron and proton? The same holds true for all elementary particles for they are unstable derivates of electron and proton. The answer is simple – quantum boundary Rkp. See Fig. 14,a.
We know that according to the modern philosophy no material object is real (don’t exist) if cannot be in principle observed or measured by an alive observer or experimenter. There exist no virtual particles, hidden particles, in our 3-D world. How about ‘internal’ structure of elementary particles and other material objects in our world-universe? In fact, we don’t see their internal structure, we cannot touch them, cannot smell them, cannot hear them. That’s true, because as individuals we exist and act in 3-D I-space and our human senses detect only individual material objects from l-space. Our ‘second nature’ – the “common” exists in 2-D quantum α- space; “common” nature of the universe is demonstrated in our l-space by temperature of relic background radiation and gravitation; for elementary particles – by gravity mass, which is ‘internal’, ‘frozen’, kinetic energy of both internal elements of quantum unit.
“The internal structure” of every material object, as was mentioned above, is composed by two elements which are in perpetual cooperation and fight. Distance between both elements of the unity is RI-II. Two material objects with gravity mass MI and MII which are situated at distance RI-II each from another, and close to quantum boundary Rkp, are influenced by this boundary – they acquire additional velocity (violating Law of Energy Conservation) in order to avoid crossing this boundary and moving into zone of non-existence. At lowest point of the zone of Ordered World (p. α) spatial dimension RI-II becomes standard (minimum possible) for the ‘l-space’. So, the corresponding velocity at this point is a standard (maximum possible) for velocity too – C, which is the speed of light. Kinetic energy of both ‘hidden’ elements of unit is:

known as Einstein’s formula. Einstein gave wrong explanation of this famous formula.
This energy HAS NO ORIGIN, it is violation of the Law of Energy Conservation (because of quantum boundary Rkp)!!!! The “Hidden”, “frozen”, internal energy in our 3-D space “l” is demonstrated as gravity mass “m”; “m” has no origine too.
Another stable elementary particle the photon and the neutrino have no ‘hidden’ internal energy, so they are massless. See GQM-I, “Elementary Particles Models” and other publications of GQM.
Comparison with Ball Lightning (BL)
Ball lightning nucleus is a two-dimensional quantum object, sort of “common” in quantum duality of unity “individual – common”. If some non-quantum object is heated to some temperature TºC, and if you put it in contact with some metallic rod, then there will happen exchange of energy between them (and surrounding media of course), such a way the Law of Energy Conservation will be fully observed. It is not the case with quantum 2-D object such as ball lightning nucleus. More rods you put in contact with ball lightning nucleus more energy you extract from this nucleus. And, unlike regular non-quantum object which transfer some of its energy to the cooling rod, ball lightning nucleus doesn’t lose any energy (its temperature stays the same). Ball lightning nucleus generates free energy. This feature of ball lightning nucleus is VERY IMPOPTANT for technology of extracting free quantum energy from ball lightning. More individual objects (solid state objects, air particles, others) are in contact with ball lightning nucleus bigger is the effect of extracting free quantum energy. See Figures 12.

What is the effect of “common” in the case of quantum unit “individual – common” in animate nature? Obviously in this case we have exchange of spiritual form of реалността. In the field of sunflowers “common sunflower” transfers common features of the plant “sunflower” to individual plants and stabilizes every one of them, while local conditions (quality of soil, water, climate,) determine welfare of individual plants. Transfer of ‘spirit’ from ‘common’ face on α quantum surface to individual sunflower plant is out of time, i.e. immediately, without material carriers (material biofields or something else material). For every individual plant in community of sunflowers the ‘spirit’ is equal. “Common Spirit” consists in rotating of heads of sunflowers in direction of sun, average height of individual plants, time of blossoming, shape of heads, and other characteristics. See Figures 15 and 16.

The same is true for any quantum collective of individuals.
Let’s consider again the case of ball lightning nucleus (two-dimensional quantum object) in touch with ordinary none-quantum material object. On Fig.12 is shown metal rod touching ball lightning nucleus. Temperature of ball lightning nucleus is very high (hundreds or thousands ºC) and this temperature stays constant no matter how intense nucleus is cooled. Soon after touching ball lightning nucleus metal rod is heated considerably – it becomes red or yellow. Let touch ball lightning nucleus with second metal rod – it becomes soon ‘red or yellow’ like first rod. Temperature of ball lightning nucleus doesn’t change. Output energy (taken with the rods) is double compared with the case of one rod touch. Let add more rods in touch with BL nucleus – all rods are heated to ‘red or yellow’ and BL nucleus stays the same – unchanged. Ball lightning nucleus is inexhaustible reservoir of free quantum energy.
Here quantum unchanging temperature of BL nucleus is the ‘spirit’ of the two-dimensional quantum inanimate material object which is transferred to individual inanimate material objects.
To produce quantum free energy from BL nucleus with the help of metal rods, or through water cooling, presents some inconveniences, obstacles. Gases (air, helium) are the best colling substances for this case. Gases consist of mix of electrically neutral atoms or molecules. BL nucleus is positively charged. Hence, there is no electrical attraction or repulsion between them. The process of cooling must be fast enough to avoid ionization of atoms/molecules of cooling gas. If the gas around BL nucleus is in rest (no motion in some determined direction) an ionization happens, so we have plasma which consists of negatively charged electrons and positively charged heavy nuclei-ions. Electrons take free energy from BL nucleus, but they are rejected by negative electron layer in the quartz wall of chamber containing ball lightning. Small and fast electrons penetrate (mm) into quartz wall of chamber containing ball lightning forming negative electron layer, while big and slow moving energic protons (they are rejected by positively charged BL nucleus) cannot penetrate quartz wall. Positively charged heavy nuclei-ions are rejected by BL nucleus, so they don’t take free energy from it. This method is not efficient for generation of free quantum energy. Moving gas must be of great density if we want to get more free quantum energy from BL nucleus. That means high pressure and high speed of cooling gas are needed to generate more quantum free energy. See fig.12,c and14,b.

Let consider again the influence of the “common” over “individuals” in a quantum unit. “Common” exists in the 2-D space α, while “individuals” exist in 3-D space l. α-space and l-space are mutually orthogonal (to be independent each from another). Standard (smallest spatial dimension) for l-space is Rе (spatial dimension of a single electron – 2.82×10-13 cm); standard (the smallest one) for α-space of the “common” (quantum object) is the spatial dimension of the “common” Ralfa, which is the circumference of the α-manifold. There are no distinguished points or areas on this quantum manifold. So, any individual object of the unit is in immediate contact with the “common” – manifold. And vice versa: every individual object from l-space is in immediate quantum contact (out of time, no material carriers) with every other individual object from community α. See Fig. 15.

Summers of 2023 and 2024 I spent in the small Bulgarian town Kazanluk, situated in famous Valley of Roses and known also for its ancient Thracian heritage. However, this was in the past, now the “Valley of Roses”, because of economic reasons, was transformed into “Valley of Sunflowers”. The road of my everyday trip to the building where was my job as a consultant of the QFE project, was passing between large sunflower fields. Packed very close each to another were thousands of thousands of sunflower plants. Their golden heads were oriented toward the brilliant sun. Sunflowers, which were all day long in the shadow of trees (on the periphery of the fields,) were also oriented toward the sun. This collective behavior is not because of some local reasons, instead it is rather because of the reason of “common”. Every individual sunflower plant is in permanent contact with the “common” of the sunflower field. What kind of orders the “common sunflower” gives to individual plants? These are: height of the plant, shape of head, time sequence of development, …, other characteristics. Orders from the “common” happen instantly (in no time) and without material mediators (like material biofields), to all members of the community, for the “common” is a quantum object. “Common” is in contact with all individual plants, and there are no distinguished points or areas on its 2-D quantum surface α. If some individual plant is attacked by dangerous insects, the “common” gives order to all plants in community to produce toxins which kill the insect aggressor. And so on. More are individuals in community, closer they are each to another, stronger is the ‘spirit’ of the “common” – more stable and more defended against exterior dangerous factors they are. See Fig.16.
In long period of time (thousands, millions of years, depending on time of existence of a given specie), the most general influence on the “common specie plant/animal” is the Quantum Wave of Life Evolution. This quantum “reason” (influence) is common for all animate creatures on Earth.
The “common” of all civilized human beings on our planet influences in biological and spiritual way separate (individual) human beings. As we know from my publications of GQM, on highest quantum position “19” in the Great Circle of Reality the “biological common” of human civilization is transformed into “spiritual common” of human civilization – the Super Mind of Universe (GOD). “Biological common” calibrates biological characteristics of civilized human beings, while “spiritual common” (GOD) calibrates spiritual characteristics. Among others spiritual orders from God is “Quantum Wave of Life Evolution” which is the most important spiritual quantum characteristic. With increase of the number of civilized human beings on planet Earth the human society becomes more organized, more efficient in its human activities, smarter, and healthier. See figures 17,18.
Of course, there are sub-human societies (“commons”) like cities, countries, races, etc. They have, beside common characteristics of the whole human civilization, some specific characteristics valid only for this sub-community.

