What is the Aether?

A stunning depiction of galaxy and aether waves intertwining in the cosmos, showcasing the beautiful and mysterious nature of the universe.

Background Aether, usually referred to as the fifth element or quintessence, was an ancient concept that described the aether as a mysterious substance that permeates the universe beyond our terrestrial sphere. In the realms of ancient and medieval science, aether was more than just a theoretical notion. It was integral to understanding a variety of […]

What is Gravity?

Stunning visual showing the connection between gravity and electromagnetism, with a large planet, spacetime curvature, and quantum particles

The English physicist Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravitation, considered one of humankind’s most remarkable achievements. While its impact on scientific development has been significant, we now appreciate its practical applications, especially in enabling humans to fly in space. But why is this law so simple and elegant? What fundamental principles explain the nature […]

New Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation and Applications

Blue quantum ball

The Lorentz transformation, also known as the Lorentz factor or gamma factor, is a quantity that describes how measurements of time, length, and other physical properties change for an object in motion. This expression appears in several equations in special relativity and is derived from the Lorentz transformations. The term originates from its earlier use […]


Controlled and none-controlled thermonuclear fusion of heavy hydrogen

NEW REVOLUTIONARY TECHNOLOGY OF CONTROLLED AND NONE-CONTROLLED THERMONUCLEAR FUSION OF HEAVY HYDROGEN By d-r Kiril Chukanov Salt Lake City, 2024 Almost three years passed since I suffered a stroke which made me physical and spiritual invalid. Two months ago, I published in my site www.chukanovenergy.bg last article on my GENERAL QUANTUIM THEORY OF THE WORLD […]

Ball Lightning – The Great Hopes and the Great Fears

Ball lightning the great hopes and the great fears

I. General The phenomenon of ball lightning still remains one of the greatest mysteries in the field of the plasma science and electromagnetism. Despite enormous contemporary advancements into the micro-world – the structure of elementary particles, nuclei, atoms, and the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe, the natural phenomenon of ball lightning, which literally appears […]

Произходът на Материята

Quantum energy and matter creation diagram illustrating the boundaries of matter's formation.

Is the matter still a mystery? Everything starts in the ocean of energy our world is floating in. In ancient times, people believed our world was flat and floating in the sea surrounded by water. Believe it or not, there is a truth to some extent in every fairytale. Let’s look at where the truth resides.  […]

Ангел 1

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Salt Lake City – USA – 2012 We know about the huge interest in this generator. It was made by Dr. Chukanov himself in his personal laboratory at his house in Salt Lake City – USA. A great example of how you can make a small quantum reactor from a 3.2 KWt restaurant microwave. With […]

Велика България


At the beginning of June 2013, the construction of a small experimental quantum generator in the city of Varna started. This happened on the territory of Europack Bulgaria – a small company for the production of paper bags for bread, etc. (one of the companies of MONTIS GROUP). The main initiator of the project is […]

История - генератори в САЩ


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