God Warns the Human Kind


Written by Dr Kiril Chukanov, Calgary, March – April, 2009

I‟m not proposing my books and articles (concerning the structure, behavior, and the fate of our world) to publishing companies and peer view magazines and journals because the Word of God cannot be revised by conventional editors and scientists. Also, it is an unpardonable sin to sell the Word of God and make money from it!

Everything real in our unique universe exists in the frame of Времето. Everything real in our universe exists in the frame of quantum unity of inanimate and animate nature. Animate nature (Animate Reality) in our universe exists only on the planet Earth. Animate Reality on the planet Earth represents the Unique Animate Observer in the universe who is “measuring” and determining the parameter values of all real objects in the universe, and by consequence – the very existence of our universe. The totality of Animate Reality objects represents the maximum quantum object ―Animate Reality‖ in the universe. World constants K1,e,p (=153) and Beta (Mp/me=1836) determine the parameter values of all quantum animate objects of lower level of the Primary Reality. The Absolute Time in the universe is the Time of the Animate Observer! The Absolute Time is quantified in smaller quantum time-intervals. See the article ―Quantum Wave of Life Evolution posted in www.chukanovenergy.bg.

Времето started about 4.4 billion years ago. Our inanimate universe appeared from its indefinite beginning in its final image: elementary particles, atoms, molecules, dust particles, rocks, asteroids, planets, stars and their conglomerations, galaxies and their conglomerations, and the whole universe. Inanimate universe does not evaluate (change its quality) in Absolute Time, because this time is the time of animate universe alone. The evolution of animate nature is not an accidental process as conventional scientists admit. On the contrary, it is a predetermined process shaped by the eternal Quantum Wave of Life.

All great catastrophes in the history of Earth and Life on the Quantum Wave of Life are connected with global warming and other drastic changes of the Earth’s climate. Catastrophic natural disasters contribute to the destruction of the old dominant species plants and animals and contribute to the creation of environmental conditions favoring development and the sustainable existence of the new more progressive species or economical/social orders. Living creatures, who are condemned to leave the stage of Life, are undergoing irreversible biological negative changes in their organisms which lead to their mass extinction. The immune system of these living creatures, which are condemned to death, is shattered – they cannot successfully fight diseases anymore, which were easy to overcome in the time of their ―legal‖ existence on Earth, and so they die in large numbers.

Especially severe great catastrophes correspond to the world coefficient of proportionality, K1,e,p = 153(See Figure 1). I call them ―great-great catastrophes.‖ See Figure 1.

God warns the human kind picture 1
Beginning of the world

Let considere great-great catastrophes.

IInd great-great catastrophe (about 230 million years ago).

The zone of the maximum (few hundreds millions of years: before and after the moment of the maximum) was a zone of flourishing, stability, and diversity. Then a brisk downfall occurred. About 230-250 million years ago, the First Catastrophe of the Second Period of Life occurred.

The so-called ―Permian-Triassic‖ mass-extinction eliminated over 95 % of species. Some of the species that disappeared were the trilobites, the corals with developed nerve, digestive, and muscular systems (bryozairs), and the brachiopods. Only two hundreds species out of approximately 30,000 survived. This ―cleaning of the slate‖ may have led to an ensuing diversification. The first reptiles appeared round the First Catastrophe.

The most probable hypothesis of the mass extinction is considered the hypothesis offered by Fred Wagner – the Pangaea Theory. According to F. Wagner, 230 million years ago as a result of movement among the tectonic platforms around the planet, the land masses drifted together, creating a single giant continent Pangaea (Greek for all + earth). The most favorable environment for aquatic species like corals, amphibians and fish is the shallow coastal zones. As a result of Pangaea’s formation, the amount of this environment was severely reduced, causing the outright extinction of numerous species with the subsequent elimination of species dependent on them. Climatic changes developed as a result of quartering the planet into a single huge land mass and an equally huge ocean; they became severe, interrupting many food chains. Many paleontologists accept the Pangaea Theory but have mistaken cause for effect. The ultimate cause for the global mass extinction of life was the realization of world symmetries, no matter what the mechanism of nature happened to be. Another natural mechanism of the Great Effacement of Life could be the Great Ice Age during the early Permian period which began 275 million years ago. The Great Ice Age was followed by great global warming at the time of IInd Great Catastrophe, which created favorable conditions for sustainable existence of the biggest in the history of life animals: the dinosaurs.

In brief: every great-great catastrophe (at least) is preceded by great ice age-period which destroys the previous dominant species of animals and plants; global warming starts at the time of great-great catastrophe which allows the establishment of the next dominant species on the stage of Life.

IVth great-great catastrophe (about 1.5 million years ago)

Homo Habillis and Homo Erectus were a transition chain between Humanoids and Archanthropuses. Homo Habillis already had many human features. Both Homo Habillis and Homo Erectus shared the destiny of their predecessor; at the time of the first (great) catastrophe of the Fourth Life Period they disappeared in the stomach of a new hunter – the Pithecanthropus. Or, more likely, global cooling was the underlying cause of their mass- extinction. An important phenomenon was the appearance of spoken language – a powerful tool on the road of progress. The Pithecanthropus started exchanging information with those of their kind using sound signals. Exchanging of information between members of the human tribe was the first milestone (turning point) on the road leading to the appearance of the civilized man.

VIth great-great catastrophe (about 9-10 thousand years ago)

The sixth great-great catastrophe is a boundary separating Homo Sapiens from Civilized Man.

It is natural to assume that the beginning of Human Civilization was related to some kind of qualitative jump (revolution) in the field of labor and culture. Most likely the moment of the reclamation of the fertile land along the three great rivers in Africa and Asia (Nile, Euphrates, and the Indus) by cattle breeders and tillers was the beginning of Human Civilization. This qualitative jump is also linked with the construction of an irrigation system which led to a rapid increase in labor productivity. Indeed, productivity and corresponding economic relations are at the very basis of the qualitative differences between the different periods of Human Civilization. The first traces of an irrigation system found date back as far as the end of the Fifth millennium B.C. This time coincides with the time-interval of the first great catastrophe of Sixth Period of Life. The increased labor productivity led to a decrease of the number of people involved in the production of food and the appearance of craftsmen: weavers, potters, shoemakers, ship-builders, etc. Society was differentiating, and the class of exploiters appeared. The qualitative changes in the manner of production affected the spiritual life of people. The religious temples became the center of spiritual life. These were rich economies and their management and trade required a writing system. Cuneiform writing appeared circa 3500 B.C. in Sumeria (Mesopotamia).

Proceeding from the information offered above, one could draw the following conclusion: the beginning of Human Civilization (Ancient Civilization) occurred circa 4000 B.C. (dI/dT = 0).

Every great-great catastrophe causes also mass-extinction of some species of animals (and plants) which cannot adapt themselves to the drastically changed climatic conditions during the great-great catastrophe: global warming. Here below are presented some excerpts from Internet.

“Extinction of the mammoths at end of ice age”

Of all the questions related to the mammoths, their extinction has been the most perplexing. It was not only mammoths that became extinct at the end of the ice age, but also many other large animals. Why? We will first discuss their extinction in Siberia and then the extinction of the mammoths and other ice age mammals on whole continents or worldwide.

For years, researchers have believed that large prehistoric creatures like mammoths and mastodons went extinct about 11,000 years ago due to human hunters and changes in their environment. Some researchers also proposed that a meteor, striking the Earth about 13,000 years ago, could have contributed to their extinction as well. Mammoth remains have puzzled scientists and laymen for hundreds of years. Many explanations have been offered. One of the most popular hypotheses is that one eventful day, the hairy elephants were peacefully grazing on grass and buttercups when suddenly, tragedy struck, and millions of them froze instantly.

The woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta) was a large Ice Age mammal, now extinct. It was widespread throughout the tundra of northern Eurasia during the Pleistocene epoch, about 1.8 million years ago until about 10,000 years ago (the end of the last Ice Age). It was well adapted to the cold; it had thick, shaggy fur, small ears, short legs, and a massive body (all to lessen heat loss). Fossils of this early rhino have been found, in addition to well-preserved corpses, which were found in frozen gravel in Siberia. Stone Age humans hunted woolly rhinos; they drew pictures of the rhinos on cave walls 30,000 years ago, giving us even more information about these large mammals.

The last glacial period was the most recent glacial period within the current ice age occurring during the Pleistocene from ~110,000—10,000 years ago.‖

Our current interglacial Human development has coincided with one of the relatively infrequent episodes of prolonged climate stability, of a little over 10 000 years since the end of the last glaciation. This episode is the latest of a series of interglacial phases which, in the last half million years, have occurred at intervals of roughly 100 000 years. It has been commonly thought that we are at the tail-end of this warm climate phase, and that feeling sharpened in the late 1990’s when new data from Antarctic ice cores showed that the previous three warm phases each lasted between 6000 and 9000 years. Thus, given a similar trend, the ice-sheets would have returned to cover Europe during the ancient Egyptian or Greek civilizations, and the trend of human history would have been immeasurably different.‖

VIIIth great-great catastrophe (2008 – 2010 A.D.)

We are currently living at the time of VIIIth Great Catastrophe in the Evolution of Life. See Figure 1.

The first months of 2010 A.D. began with an unprecedented large number of natural and human related disasters, a phenomenon which is much above the normal level (by frequency and magnitude) of these disasters compared with those in the previous ―calmer‖ years. We have been facing, almost on a weekly basis, earthquakes around the globe: deadly earthquake in Haiti (220,000 people killed), the tremendous earthquake in Chile, earthquakes in Indonesia, Mexico, Spain, Taiwan, Japan, China, Afghanistan,…; deadly flooding and mudslides in Brazil and Italy, deadly terrorist attacks in Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq,…; deadly airplane crashes in Russia (killed the political and military elite of Poland),…; deadly crashes of protesters with police in Kirgizstan and Thailand,…; deadly coal mine disasters in China and USA; deadly disasters on oil rigs in the USA; eruption or activation of some volcanoes in Iceland,…, and many other disasters. Our planet is shaking like a drunken man. Volcanic ash (from Iceland’s volcano) is considerably disturbing the air-traffic in Europe, and by consequence the air-traffic in the whole world. Oh, God, my dearest God, what is ahead of us in the close future?

Most likely this sinister chain of global disasters will continue over next months and years, until the time when the VIIIth Great Catastrophe will be over. What can we do to prevent these global catastrophes to happen? Nothing, absolutely nothing can be done. However, the national governments and world organizations must prepare their countries and the whole world for an efficient fight with the destructive forces of nature and fast healing of the wounds on the skin of mother Earth (the Earth’s surface mostly) and the Life on it. USA and the world must stop wasting huge amounts of tax-payer money for conquering the Cosmos, for expansive unnecessary scientific research (mega particle accelerators, mega-machines for harnessing controlled nuclear fusion, etc.), and for unnecessary wars.

As was mentioned above, global warming is a typical feature of every great catastrophe. In our time CO2 increase in the atmosphere (as a result of the industrial activity of our civilization) is considered to be the main culprit for global warming. Environment protection groups are trying to convince national governments to take urgent measures to limit and stop the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The coal and oil-industry are denying the reality of global warming. The truth is that the energy increase (temperature increase too) of the Earth’s body is a result of a quantum transfer of energy from the Sun to the Earth at the time of great catastrophe. This process is controlled by the Quantum Wave of Life Evolution.

In normal climatic times the amount of energy which our planet receives from the Sun in a direct, non-quantum way and energy from the Earth’s core is equal to the amount of energy which our planet loses into surrounding cosmic space. Scientists measured and calculated the amounts of these opposite energy flows in our time (time of global warming) and were really startled, and even frightened, by the obtained results: the balance of both flows is twice violated. Most likely this effect is due to the mechanism of quantum transfer of energy from the Sun to the Earth and vice versa in times of great-great catastrophes.

One would be an idiot to deny the fact of global warming in our time. I remember how cold winters were and how much snow we had in Bulgaria in my childhood. Now winters in Bulgaria are like the summers in Calgary, Canada, where I live now. Even here winters are starting to resemble spring when compared to Canadian winters of the XXth century. On Internet we can read:

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth’s near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation. Global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) between the start and the end of the 20th century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that most of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the 20th century was very likely caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activity such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation. Climate model projections summarized in the latest IPCC report indicate that the global surface temperature is likely to rise a further 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) during the 21st century.‖

An increase in global temperature will cause sea levels to rise and will change the amount and pattern of precipitation, probably including expansion of subtropical deserts. Warming is expected to be strongest in the Arctic and would be associated with continuing retreat of glaciers, permafrost and sea ice. Other likely effects include changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, species extinctions, and changes in agricultural yields. Warming and related changes will vary from region to region around the globe, though the nature of these regional variations is uncertain.‖

2 more glaciers gone from Glacier National Park

BILLINGS, Mont. -Glacier National Park has lost two more of its namesake moving icefields to climate change, which is shrinking the rivers of ice until they grind to a halt, the U.S. Geological Survey said Wednesday.

Warmer temperatures have reduced the number of named glaciers in the northwestern Montana park to 25, said Dan Fagre, an ecologist with the agency.

He warned the rest of the glaciers may be gone by the end of the decade.

“When we’re measuring glacier margins, by the time we go home the glacier is already smaller than what we’ve measured,” Fagre said.

The latest two to fall below the 25 acre threshold were Miche Wabun and Shepard. Each had shrunk by roughly 55 percent since the mid-1960s. The largest remaining glacier in the park is Harrison Glacier, at about 465 acres.

On a local scale, fewer glaciers means less water in streams for fish and a higher risk for forest fires. More broadly, Fagre said the fate of the glaciers offers a climate barometer, indicating dramatic changes to some ecosystems already under way.

While the meltoff shows the climate is changing, it does not show exactly what is causing temperatures to rise.

In alpine regions around the world, glacier melting has accelerated in recent decades as temperatures increased. Most scientists tie that warming directly to higher atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.

Some glaciers, such as in the Himalayas, could hold out for centuries in a warmer world. But more than 90 percent of glaciers worldwide are in retreat, with major losses already seen across much of Alaska, the Alps, the Andes and numerous other ranges, according to researchers in the United States and Europe.

In some areas of the Alps, ski resorts set atop glaciers have taken drastic measures to stave off the decline, such as draping glaciers in plastic sheeting to keep them cooler.

It could prove a losing battle: Scientists working for the United Nations say the last period of widespread glacial growth was more than three decades ago, lasting only for a few years.

Since about 1850, when the Little Ice Age ended, the trend has been steadily downward.

The area of the Rocky Mountains now within Glacier National Park once boasted about 150 glaciers, of which 37 were eventually named.

Fagre said a handful of the park’s largest glaciers could survive past 2020 or even 2030, but by that point the ecosystem would already be irreversibly altered.

Fagre said geological evidence points to the continual presence of glaciers in the area since at least 5000 B.C.

“They’ve been on this landscape continually for 7,000 years, and we’re looking at them disappear in a couple of decades,” he said.

It was one of the most concrete signs yet that glaciers are disappearing in Peru, home to 70 percent of the world’s tropical icefields. Scientists say warmer temperatures will cause them to melt away altogether within 20 years.

LIMA – A huge glacier broke off and plunged into a lake in Peru, causing a 75-foot tsunami wave that swept away at least three people and destroyed a water processing plant serving 60,000 local residents, government officials said Monday.

The ice block tumbled into a lake in the Andes Sunday near the town of Carhuaz, some 200 miles north of the capital, Lima. Three people were feared buried in debris.

Scientists have determined that the ice in Greenland and the Arctic is melting so rapidly that much of it could be gone by the end of the century.

The results could be catastrophic for polar people and animals, while low-lying lands as far away as Florida could be inundated by rising sea levels

The study concluded that in Alaska, western Canada, and eastern Russia, average temperatures have increased as much as 4 to 7 degrees Fahrenheit (3 to 4 degrees Celsius) in the past 50 years, nearly twice the global average. Temperatures are projected to rise 7 to 13 degrees Fahrenheit (4 to 7 degrees Celsius) over the next hundred years.

The rising temperatures are likely to cause the melting of at least half the Arctic sea ice by the end of the century. A significant portion of the Greenland ice sheet—which contains enough water to raise the worldwide sea level by about 23 feet (about 7 meters)—would also melt.

The consequences of such a massive meltdown of northern ice would be dramatic, according to the study.

  • Low-lying coastal areas in Florida and Louisiana could be flooded by the sea. A 1.5 feet (50- centimeter) rise in sea level could cause the coastline to move 150 feet (45 meters) inland, resulting in substantial economic, social, and environmental impact in low-lying areas.
  • The health and food security of some indigenous peoples would be threatened, challenging the survival of some cultures.
  • Should the Arctic become ice-free in summer, it is likely that polar bears and some seal species would become extinct.
  • The melting of so much ice, and the resulting addition of so much fresh water to the ocean, could impact the circulation of currents and affect regional climate.

Arctic sea ice is vanishing faster than ‘our most pessimistic models’ -researcher

By Bruce Owen, Winnipeg Free Press February 6, 2010

“During the summer melt in the southern Arctic, ice in the Far North – now feeling the effects of warming – has been an important refuge for polar bears”

WINNIPEG — Sea ice in Canada’s fragile Arctic is melting faster than anyone expected, the lead investigator in Canada’s largest climate-change study yet said Friday — raising the possibility that the Arctic could, in a worst-case scenario, be ice-free in about three years.

University of Manitoba Prof. David Barber, the lead investigator of the Circumpolar Flaw Lead System Study, said the rapid decay of thick Arctic Sea ice highlights the rapid pace of climate change in the North and foreshadows what will come in the South. We’re seeing it happen more quickly than what our models thought would happen,‖ Barber said at a student symposium on climate change in Winnipeg. ―It’s happening much faster than our most pessimistic models suggested.‖ Barber and more than 300 scientists from around the globe spent last winter on the Canadian Coast Guard research ship Amundsen in the Arctic, studying the impact of climate change. It was the first time a research vessel remained mobile in open water during the winter season. The Canadian government provided $156 million in funding for the study. Barber said the melting sea ice can be compared to disappearing rain forests. “If you go into the rain forest and you cut down all the trees, the ecosystem in that rain forest will collapse,” he said. “If you go to the Arctic and you remove all the sea ice or if you remove the timing of the sea ice, the system will change.”

As was explained in GQM and in the article “Quantum Wave of Life Evolution”, every new Life Period (or Social/economical system) starts sometimes between the great catastrophe and next blossoming (maximum) on the curve of “Quantum Wave of Life Evolution”. See Figure 1. This time for “Exploitation Human Civilization” was approx 4000-3200 BC. Below are shown some excerpts from Internet:

This page presents a summary narrative of and links to geological and paleoclimatalogical data bearing on the remarkable events of 3000 BCE (calendar years BC), when urban/technological society began. Most of our data comes from referenced scientific literature, although some of the studies, such as of the Mesopotamian delta, and certain sea level interpretations, are the author’s. You will also find a handy chronological index HERE. A summary graph of events around 3200 BC will be found here.

In the beginning, the earth in a fitful sleep, (100000 BC), stirring in a night sweat every five thousand years. Last stands of (30000 BC) Homo erectus and Neanderthal. The end of the Ice Age ; (13000 BC) Slowly the great ice sheets melt away, from Chicago and Boston and Seattle and London, under the influence of an “altithermal” climate several degrees warmer than today. The sea level, which has remained some 350 feet below its present level for 100,000 years, begins to rise at a rate of ten feet a century.

Then, 12000 years before present, when the sea level had reached 100 feet below present level, something happened to interrupt the process; temperatures plunged 7 degrees, the sea level hesitated. This was the beginning(10500 BC) a millennium in which the circulation system of the North Atlantic went into a kind of planetary fibrillation, the African monsoons migrated southward, drying the desert. After a millennium, the end of the Younger Dryas (9500 BC) came about almost as quickly as it had begun, warmth returned to the North, and water to the deserts of the Near East. Again about 6000 BC, another abrupt cooling in Greenland, (6200 BC) this a short lived cycle, then a warming for two thousand years the sun shining, a great green spring in the northern lands, the wolves retreating, as the planet entered the mid Holocene altithermal.

Consider Mesopotamia, the land between the rivers: warm and wet, interrupted by the aforementioned severe cold drought (6200 BC) Again, warm conditions returned and the sea rose again, now at about 50 feet below present level.

Illustration: We place the “Garden of Eden” in the lower Tigris-Euphrates (most recently the scene of the Gulf War) at the time of 8000 to 6000 yrs. BP (6000-3500 BC) at which time the temperature is warming culminating in an era warmer than present, when equatorial weather patterns may have reached farther north than at present, and the westerly storms of the north would have been confined to latitudes higher than at present.

In those warm wet years a kind of Eden in Egypt (7000 BC) , Reported (5500 BC) Mid- Holocene flooding of Baltic Sea. a time of canoes and elephants. (3000 BC) This period the Atlantic or altithermal or hypsithermal, (4000 BC) with temperatures 5 degrees warmer than at present, raining all the time, Lake Chad one hundred feet higher until 3000 BC. The desert now supports game allowing hunting and herding or nomadic pastoralism. Predynastic Nagada (Naqadah) cultures. Evidence for this “Garden of Eden” can oddly enough be found almost everywhere; in California, the rings of bristlecone pines (4850 BC) near the Nevada border grew fat in the wet heat. By 4500 BC the favorable climatic conditions and stabilized lower alluvial plains favoring territorial control and mound building (4500 BC) among native American groups in the lower valleys. Slowing sea level rise at 10-15 below present level, beginning of meander belts on (4000 BC) Mississippi River. In the San Francisco Bay area we begin to see a transition from hunter-gatherer to sedentary cultures. (3000 BC) In Santa Barbara the Mid Holocene Atlantic wet period features high(3300 BC) with increasing hunting, sea fishing, residential bases, status ranking, mortar and pestle use for large pulpy seeds, technology in general. This seems to be reflected as well in the central coast (3600 BC) as well as Santa Barbara basin off the coast (3250 BC) ; some principal evidence locally exhibited in the Stanford man (3020 BC) and Sunnyvale girl (3160 BC) burials in the San Francisco Bay area. Photos of the “Stanford Man” skull can be seen on “the skull”. (3020 BC) Elsewhere in the Mississippi valley we see a proliferation of native American mounds (3000 BC) starting at about 7000 BCE; See also sticks in Boston (3100 BC) ; In New England coastal areas we find warmth and plenitude as represented by the great Boylston Street fish wier (3100 BC) discovered in the 1940s some 15 feet below sea level, In Europe, early agriculture (3500 BC) appears.

Toward the end of the fourth millennium ominous signs in the North. The upper treeline in alps (3500 BC) drops 100 meters in 3500 BC then rises to 2500 BC indicating a northern cold spell (and corresponding Near Eastern drought) at 3500. See also the startling iceman of the alps ( BC) ; In the alps we see an Iceman;(3150 BC) see also iceman of the alps (3150 BC) ; At the same time the Irish elm decline (4000 BC) occurs. In recent years analysis of ice cores has yielded even more precise information. recent studies of the ice cores by the GISP2 team (3200 BC) shows a minglacial freeze at about 5000 BP. Illustration: Rain storms, climatic oscillation. Millennial-scale warming terminates with a period of climatic disturbance and flooding in the lower latitudes (Nile, Arizona, Morocco, Israel, Mesopotamia), followed by a drought; general, worldwide, climate-driven shock to early societies living in “endemic” geography of plenty with “fertile crescent” survivors organizing into more centrally administered culture based on irrigation.

Sea Level Changes

Fairbridge cycles… late Holocene sea level ( BC) Holocene delta development worldwide (3500 BC) By 4000 BC sea level rise began to slow and deltas begin to form. The sequence of events along the coast is illustrated graphically in a diagrammatic sequence in “The End of Eden” (4000 BC) San Francis Quito geology ( BC) More locally view of San Francis Quito creek development ( BC) Recent data from the Han River delta (3500 BC) indicate a rapid sea level rise (3 meters) from 4000 to 3000 BC. The sea level curve of the Han river delta (3500 BC) does not contain enough data in the 4000-3000 BC period Huang Ho river(2900 BC) also the South Carolina sea level (3500 BC) South Carolina sea level ( BC) ; The Fiji sea level(3500 BC) drops; the Fiji sea level curves. ( BC) show a one meter drop between 3500-3000 BC. For example, data collected by Atwater a few years ago in San Francis Quito bay (3300 BC) features sea level still stands(3000 BC) Also the Mississippi delta (3400 BC) In Iraq sea level, Persian gulf (4000 BC) Studies of the Nile and Holocene delta development worldwide (4000 BC) shows a similar sequence. At about 6000 BC something odd happened. This is recorded in an erratic sea level response all over the world; when the rise stopped rivers began to discharge their silt onto a constant shoreline. Deltas were built, with their rich loads of fertile silt. A notable example is the Mesopotamia delta (3200 BC) in times leading up to the great flood. This is a condition that had not existed for 120,000 years. It is a history that is preserved to this day in most of the delta environments (6000 BC) of the world.

Mesopotamian and Nile Deltas

(3250 BC) In the middle East, Egypt’s Nile delta (3250 BC) A core (5-44) taken at the south margin of one of the coastal lagoons at the north end of the Nile delta showed a layer of potsherds 25 ft. below sea level dated at 3,500 to 4,500 CYBP. Egypt, Nile (3090 BC) Similar evidence permits a reconstruction (by the author) of stratigarphy of the Mesopotamia delta (4000 BC) showing the ancient city of Ur at the edge of a 100 mile flood basin.

Lake Van oscillation (3150 BC) ; Ironically Ur is a t the center of the recent Gulf War and notably very close to the area in with the “Gulf War Syndrome” reportedly originated. chemical gas poisoning ( BC)tigris-euphratres (3200 BC) This sequence may be compared with other events in a Tigris and Euphrates comparative chronology ( BC) . Beginning of the Sumerian king list culminates with Gilgamesh, king of Uric. (2700 BC) Between Palestine and

Mesopotamia, the lost city of Jawa. (3000 BC) Tigris and Euphrates alluvial plain (3500 BC) Irrigated society, 3500 BC

Sumerians in Mesopotamia (3000 BC)

The story of the great flood was told in the 1930s by Leonard Woolley. (3500 BC) dated later by Father Burrows (3700 BC) His associate the Jesuit epigrapher Father Burrows (3700 BC) presents an early Mesopotamian version of the flood story, Also this is the time of Pharaoh Sneferu at Meydum (3400 BC) ;Sumerian influences on Egypt (3000 BC) ; unification of

Egypt (3100 BC) ; recent reports of ancient Egyptians in Palestine (3000 BC) . A dramatic rise in Dead Sea level near mt. sedom (3001 BC) occurs at this time. According the Lebor, as inter[erted by O’Rahilly… cessair (3200 BC)

The Flood (3150 BC) 3150 BC(?). Abrupt cooling at higher latitudes, possibly related to oceanic effects, especially in Northern Europe, corresponding to peak of megalith cultures. Probable oscillation in sea level shortly before 3000 BC followed by 10-15 ft. alluvial deposition in river valleys.

The Great Shock of 3250 BC

( BC) ; Many other paleocliamtic events are summarized on the paleoclimate data page (3200 BC) . A period of stormy weather (3250 BC) ; The sequence of events is shown in a San Francis Quito Creek history(3250 BC) ; This period corresponds to the so-called paleontological Pora oscillation in Europe (3250 BC) ; Elsewhere we see natural catastrophes during the bronze age (3000 BC) ; as shown on the paleoclimate data page ( BC) ; sierra cooling (3100 BC) ; gisp ice core (3100 BC) ; Globally corresponds sulfate in gisp2(3250 BC) ; In Greenland sulphate spike ( BC) ; atmospheric methane (3250 BC) ; sulphate spike (3150 BC) ;camp century, Greenland (3150 BC) ; Yangtze river (3110 BC) ; methane peak, (3050 BC) ; methane ( BC) ; Heckle eruption heckla eruption, iceland (3190 BC) ;

In the Americas devon island (3050 BC) ; bristlecone pines (3000 BC) ; hemlock decline new England (3250 BC) ; elm collapse (3270 BC) ; July summer cooling, soviet union (3300 BC); wooden tracks (3000 BC)diamond pond, (3000 BC) ; paleoclimatic flood, global (3150 BC) ;

In the Americas: a flood peak (3150 BC) ; huascaran glacier (3250 BC) ; general wetting western u.s (3000 BC) ; republican river, (3100 BC) ; floods in Netherlands (2970 BC) ; pine bursts (3250 BC) ; pomme de terre river (3200 BC) ; end of alluvial period (3100 BC) ; new data from peru ( BC) ;

Significant archeological finds of this period include: Belgian coastal monuments (3300 BC); Brittany coast emerges (3050 BC) ; newgrange megalithic tomb (3075 BC) newgrange megalithic tomb (3075 BC) ; carnac megaliths (3000 BC) ; Mayan recreation (3113 BC) ; ancient French trapper (3000 BC) ; French coastal megaliths (3212 BC) ; Stonehenge (start) (3100 BC); newgrange start (3250 BC) ; In Europe Irish oaks (3199 BC) ;

VIIIth great-catastrophe will cause the extinction of last big animals on planet.

“Animal Extinction – the greatest threat to mankind”

Below are presented some excerpts from Internet.

Researchers claim that elephants face the risk of extinction as soon as by 2020 that will become a result of high death rate due to poaching. African elephants are widely killed for their ivory and this tendency seems to continue at a quick pace. University of Washington biologists say that the public is unaware of the dangerous situation with the mammals. Things are much worse in countries cursed by poor security, corruption and civil war, where animal protection is a low priority. U.S. conservationists estimate that 36,000 elephants were poached last year. Sierra Leone says it lost its last few elephants in November, leaving Africa with 36 rather than 37 elephant range states.‖

Elephant populations in Senegal, Mali and Niger are on the brink of extinction. In the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo, militias sell ivory from elephants to buy weapons.‖

In 1989 the elephants’ death rate of 7.4 percent a year led to the international ban on the ivory trade. The recent studies showed that the death rate of African elephants is now 8 percent a year with the fact that the ban is absent today. Taking into account that the fatality rate among elephants 20 years ago was based on a population of more than one million and now elephant population is less than 470,000, the situation becomes marginal. “If the trend continues, there won’t be any elephants except in fenced areas with a lot of enforcement to protect them” said Samuel Wasser, a UW biology professor, lead author of the research paper.”

Scientists warn that today’s tendency means that most of the large groups of elephants face extinction by 2020, unless serious measures will be taken. “At least a quarter of the world’s wild mammal species are at risk of extinction.”

“Mammals are definitely declining, and the driving factors are habitat destruction and over- harvesting,” said Jan Schipper, the paper’s lead writer and the IUCN’s global mammals assessment coordinator. The researchers concluded that 25 percent of the mammal species for which they had sufficient data are threatened with extinction, but Schipper added that the figure could be as high as 36 percent because information on some species is so scarce.

Land and marine mammals face different threats, the scientists said, and large mammals are more vulnerable than small ones. For land species, habitat loss and hunting represent the greatest danger, while marine mammals are more threatened by unintentional killing by pollution, ship strikes and being caught in fishing nets.

While large species such as primates (including the Sumatran orangutan and red colobus monkeys in Africa) and ungulates (hoofed animals such as Africa’s Dama gazelle and the Malaysian tapir) may seem more physically imposing, the researchers wrote that these animals are more imperiled than smaller creatures such as rodents and bats because they “tend to have lower population densities, slower life histories, and larger home ranges, and are more likely to be hunted.”

“Dozens of Primates Face Extinction”

―All told, close to half of the planet’s 634 known primate species are to some degree threatened with dying out, said the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and other conservation and research groups. Of the top 25, five are on the island of Madagascar, six on the African continent, three in South America and 11 in Southeast Asia.‖

“The least likely to survive might well be the golden-headed langur of Vietnam, found exclusively on the island of Cat Ba in the Gulf of Tonkin. Only 60 to 70 individuals remain” Human encroachment has reduced the population of cross river gorillas, found in the mountains along the Cameroon-Nigeria border, to less than 300. The UN’s environment programme report, ‘The Last Stand of the Orang Utan: State of Emergency’, says natural rainforests of Indonesia and Malaysia are being cleared so rapidly that up to 98 per cent may be destroyed by 2022, and the lowland forest strongholds of orang utans much sooner, unless urgent action is taken. This is a full decade earlier than the previous report estimated when it was published five years ago. Overall the loss of orang utan habitat is happening 30 per cent more rapidly than had previously been thought.

Responding to the findings, the Borneo Orang Utan Survival Foundation UK, a charity which works to rescue, rehabilitate and release the animals into protected forest, warned that at the current rate of deforestation by the palm oil industry, orang utans in the wild could be close to extinction by 2012‖

Seldom seen species of lemur, monkey and gorilla are among 25 primates facing near-certain extinction unless urgent measures are taken to protect them, according to a report released Thursday..

Primates face some of the most intense pressures: According to the survey, 79 percent of primates in South and Southeast Asia are facing extinction.

Conservation International President Russell A. Mittermeier, one of the paper’s writers and a primate specialist, said animals in the region are being hit with “a triple whammy.”

“It’s not that surprising, given the high population pressures, the level of habitat destruction, and the fairly extreme hunting of primates for food and medicinal purposes,” he said in an interview. He added that some areas in Vietnam and Cambodia are facing “an empty forest syndrome,” as even once-populous species such as the crab-eating macaque, or temple monkey, are “actually getting vacuumed out of some areas where it was common.”

In some cases, the scientists have a precise sense of how imperiled a species has become: There are 19 Hainan gibbons left in the wild on the island off China’s southeast coast, Mittermeier said, which actually counts as progress because there used to be just a dozen.

With others, including the beaked whale and the jaguar, researchers have a much vaguer idea of their numbers despite technological advances — such as satellite and radio tagging, camera tracking and satellite-based GPS (global positioning system) mapping. The authors of the assessment wrote that most land mammals occupy “areas smaller than the United Kingdom,” while “the range of most marine mammals is smaller than one-fifth of the Indian Ocean.”

The report on mammals came on the same day that the IUCN updated its “Red List” — a separate periodic survey of nearly 45,000 species of plants and animals — and concluded that 32 percent are threatened with extinction. Its scientists added 20 of the world’s 161 species of grouper to the list of those at risk of extinction, along with several tarantula species.

Jonathan Baillie, who directs conservation programs at the Zoological Society of London, said: “It’s a continual decline in all cases.”

In the final stages of dehydration the body shrinks, robbing youth from the young as the skin puckers, eyes recede into orbits, and the tongue swells and cracks. Brain cells shrivel and muscles seize. The kidneys shut down. Blood volume drops, triggering hypovolemic shock, with its attendant respiratory and cardiac failures. These combined assaults disrupt the chemical and electrical pathways of the body until all systems cascade toward death. Such is also the path of a dying species. Beyond a critical point, the collective body of a unique kind of mammal or bird or amphibian or tree cannot be salvaged, no matter the first aid rendered. Too few individuals spread too far apart, or too genetically weakened, are susceptible to even small natural disasters: a passing thunderstorm; an unexpected freeze; drought. At fewer than 50 members, populations experience increasingly random fluctuations until a kind of fatal arrhythmia takes hold. Eventually, an entire genetic legacy, born in the beginnings of life on earth, is removed from the future.

Scientists recognize that species continually disappear at a background extinction rate estimated at about one species per million per year, with new species replacing the lost in a sustainable fashion. Occasional mass extinctions convulse this orderly norm, followed by excruciatingly slow recoveries as new species emerge from the remaining gene-pool, until the world is once again repopulated by a different catalogue of flora and fauna.

From what we understand so far, five great extinction events have reshaped earth in cataclysmic ways in the past 439 million years, each one wiping out between 50 and 95 per cent of the life of the day, including the dominant life forms; the most recent event killing off the non-avian dinosaurs. Speciation’s followed, but an analysis published in Nature showed that it takes 10 million years before biological diversity even begins to approach what existed before a die-off.

Today we’re living through the sixth great extinction, sometimes known as the Holocene extinction event. We carried its seeds with us 50,000 years ago as we migrated beyond Africa with Stone Age blades, darts, and harpoons, entering pristine Ice Age ecosystems and changing them forever by wiping out at least some of the unique mega fauna of the times, including, perhaps, the saber-toothed cats and woolly mammoths. When the ice retreated, we terminated the long and biologically rich epoch sometimes called the Edenic period with assaults from our newest weapons: hoes, scythes, cattle, goats, and pigs.

But, as harmful as our forebears may have been, nothing compares to what’s under way today. Throughout the 20th century the causes of extinction – habitat degradation, overexploitation, agricultural monocultures, human-borne invasive species, human-induced climate-change – increased exponentially, until now in the 21st century the rate is nothing short of explosive. The World Conservation Union’s Red List – a database measuring the global status of Earth’s 1.5 million scientifically named species – tells a haunting tale of unchecked, unaddressed, and accelerating biocide.

When we hear of extinction, most of us think of the plight of the rhino, tiger, panda or blue whale. But these sad sagas are only small pieces of the extinction puzzle. The overall numbers are terrifying. Of the 40,168 species that the 10,000 scientists in the World Conservation Union have assessed, one in four mammals, one in eight birds, one in three amphibians, one in three conifers and other gymnosperms are at risk of extinction. The peril faced by other classes of organisms is less thoroughly analyzed, but fully 40 per cent of the examined species of planet earth are in danger, including perhaps 51 per cent of reptiles, 52 per cent of insects, and 73 per cent of flowering plants.

By the most conservative measure – based on the last century’s recorded extinctions – the current rate of extinction is 100 times the background rate. But the eminent Harvard biologist Edward O Wilson, and other scientists, estimate that the true rate is more like 1,000 to 10,000 times the background rate. The actual annual sum is only an educated guess, because no scientist believes that the tally of life ends at the 1.5 million species already discovered; estimates range as high as 100 million species on earth, with 10 million as the median guess. Bracketed between best- and worst-case scenarios, then, somewhere between 2.7 and 270 species are erased from existence every day. Including today.

We now understand that the majority of life on Earth has never been – and will never be – known to us. In a staggering forecast, Wilson predicts that our present course will lead to the extinction of half of all plant and animal species by 2100.

Yet, despite these efforts, the Red List, updated every two years, continues to show metastatic growth. There are a few heartening examples of so-called Lazarus species lost and then found: the wollemi pine and the mahogany glider in Australia, the Jerdon’s courser in India, the takahe in New Zealand, and, maybe, the ivory-billed woodpecker in the United States. But for virtually all others, the Red List is a dry country with little hope of rain, as species ratchet down the listings from secure to vulnerable, to endangered, to critically endangered, to extinct.

All these disappearing species are part of a fragile membrane of organisms wrapped around the Earth so thinly, writes Wilson, that it “cannot be seen edgewise from a space shuttle, yet so internally complex that most species composing it remain undiscovered”. We owe everything to this membrane of life. Literally everything. The air we breathe. The food we eat. The materials of our homes, clothes, books, computers, medicines. Goods and services that we can’t even imagine we’ll someday need will come from species we have yet to identify. The proverbial cure for cancer. The genetic fountain of youth. Immortality. Mortality. The living membrane we so recklessly destroy is existence itself.

Biodiversity is defined as the sum of an area’s genes (the building blocks of inheritance), species (organisms that can interbreed), and ecosystems (amalgamations of species in their geological and chemical landscapes). The richer an area’s biodiversity, the tougher its immune system, since biodiversity includes not only the number of species but also the number of individuals within that species, and all the inherent genetic variations – life’s only army against the diseases of oblivion.

To survive the heat and drought, desert life pioneers ingenious solutions. Coyotes dig and maintain wells in arroyos, probing deep for water. White-winged doves use their bodies as canteens, drinking enough when the opportunity arises to increase their bodyweight by more than 15 per cent. Black-tailed jack rabbits tolerate internal temperatures of 111F. Western box turtles store water in their oversized bladders and urinate on themselves to stay cool. Mesquite grows taproots more than 160ft deep in search of moisture.

These life-forms and their life strategies compose what we might think of as the “body” of the desert, with some species the lungs and others the liver, the blood, the skin. The trend in scientific investigation in recent decades has been toward understanding the interconnectedness of the bodily components, i.e. the effect one species has on the others. The loss of even one species irrevocably changes the desert (or the tundra, rainforest, prairie, coastal estuary, coral reef, and so on) as we know it, just as the loss of each human being changes his or her family forever.

Nowhere is this better proven than in a 12-year study conducted in the Chihuahuan desert by James H Brown and Edward Heske of the University of New Mexico. When a kangaroo-rat guild composed of three closely related species was removed, shrublands quickly converted to grasslands, which supported fewer annual plants, which in turn supported fewer birds. Even humble players mediate stability. So when you and I hear of this year’s extinction of the Yangtze river’s dolphin and think, “how sad”, we’re not calculating the deepest cost: that extinctions lead to co-extinctions because most living things on Earth support a few symbionts, while keystone species influence and support myriad plants and animals. Army ants, for example, are known to support 100 known species, from beetles to birds. A European study finds steep declines in honeybee diversity in the past 25 years but also significant attendant declines in plants that depend on bees for pollination – a job estimated to be worth £50bn worldwide. Meanwhile, beekeepers in 24 American states report that perhaps 70 per cent of their colonies have recently died off, threatening £7bn in US agriculture. And bees are only a small part of the pollinator crisis.

One of the most alarming developments is the rapid decline not just of species but of higher taxa, such as the class Amphibia, the 300-million-year-old group of frogs, salamanders, newts and toads hardy enough to have preceded and then outlived most dinosaurs. Biologists first noticed die-offs two decades ago, and, since then, have watched as seemingly robust amphibian species vanished in as little as six months. The causes cover the spectrum of human environmental assaults, including rising ultraviolet radiation from a thinning ozone layer, increases in pollutants and pesticides, habitat loss from agriculture and urbanisation, invasions of exotic species, the wildlife trade, light pollution, and fungal diseases. Sometimes stressors merge to form an unwholesome synergy; an African frog brought to the West in the 1950s for use in human pregnancy tests likely introduced a fungus deadly to native frogs. Meanwhile, a recent analysis in Nature estimated that, in the past 20 years, at least 70 species of South American frogs had gone extinct as a result of climate change.

In a 2004 analysis published in Science, Lian Pin Koh and his colleagues predict that an initially modest co-extinction rate will climb alarmingly as host extinctions rise in the near future. Graphed out, the forecast mirrors the rising curve of an infectious disease, with the human species acting all the parts: the pathogen, the vector, the Typhoid Mary who refuses culpability, and, ultimately, one of up to 100 million victims.

“Disappearing World”

More than 16,000 species of the world’s mammals, birds, plants and other organisms are at present officially regarded as threatened with extinction to one degree or another, according to the Red List.

Maintained by the Swiss-based World Conservation Union (usually known by the initials IUCN), the Red List is one of the gloomiest books in the world, and is set to get even gloomier.

Taxonomists at the IUCN regularly attempt to update the list, but that is a massive job to undertake – there are about 5,000 mammal species in the world and about 10,000 birds, but more than 300,000 types of plant, and undoubtedly well over a million insect species, and perhaps many more. Some species, such as beetles living in the rainforest canopy, could become extinct before they are even known to science.

The last Red List update, released in May last year, looked at 40,168 species and considered 16,118 to be threatened – including 7,725 animals of all types (mammals,

Tigers are disappearing

A century ago more than 100,000 tigers were roaring in the forests around the glob. Now they are only 300!

China’s State Forestry Administration (SFA) estimated that the wild tiger will go extinct. There are only around 50 tigers left in the nation’s wilderness. SFA says around 20 Siberian tigers remain in China’s northwest, 20 Bengal tigers in Tibet, and 10 Indonesian tigers in southwest China.

Lions are disappearing as well

When I have worked as full professor in the Technological University in Algiers, Algeria (1980- 84), I was very curious to learn and see with my own eyes wilderness (and life in it) in this North- African country. I read several adventure books (French authors) about famous Alsatian lion who has inhabited (in the time of French colonization) in large numbers south slopes of Alsas Mountains in North Algeria. With big disappointment I learned that no one of those famous lions is left in Algeria, even though in their huge zoo-safari.

A major international conservation group has warned that lions could soon become extinct in large parts of Africa. The World Conservation Union says the lion populations of west and central Africa are too small to be viable. Lions used to roam freely around much of the world. They died out in Europe about 2,000 years ago and disappeared from northern Africa and most of south-west Asia 150 years ago.‖

The Great VIII th TRIBULATION in the history of Earth and Life

Free Market Capitalism is very vulnerable to the destructive effects caused by natural and social cataclysms. As a result of the huge increase in frequency and magnitude of those cataclysms during VIIIth great-great catastrophe, the financial, economical, military, politically and other structures of the System of Free Market will be brutally hurt. We are witnesses to what is happening now in Europe as a result of the eruption of only one volcano in Iceland: air-travel chaos, market chaos, touristic chaos, air-plane fuel demand down, no fresh inexpensive flowers and vegetables from Africa, stock markets down, disturbed supply of parts for big automobile producing companies, world leaders cancel their over-sea travels, canceled family meetings, damaged vacations, many others. What will happen with world economy and our civilization when many natural disasters will hit at the same time our planet? It is not difficult to guess what will happen with Western Civilization; remember the legend of Atlantida!

It will be impossible with existing human and industrial resources left after the VIII th great-great catastrophe to restore Capitalism. Profit, greed, unlimited exploitation of human labor, selfish, and social inequality are the pillars on which the building of Capitalism is based. With these pillars destroyed, Capitalism is impossible.

Remember hurricane Katrina and the devastating earthquake in Haiti? More severe cataclysms of this kind are probably coming! Don’t waste unnecessary money for space research like the Mars mission; redirect this money for the creation and training of specialized teams (and the whole nation) for fighting destructive effects of VIII th great-great catastrophe.

Currently there is a very wrong confidence (shared mostly by conservatives) in the stability and eternity of the Free Market Social/Economical Order. Evolution in human society is considered only as an evolution in scientific and a technological plan. However, nothing is stable, nothing is eternal, the U.S.A. today is very different from the U.S.A. in the time of first US President G. Washington or in the time slavery. The entire world, and the USA in particular, are now on the threshold of a new world social order (Fair, Non-Exploitive Social Order, see Figure 1). Within a decade from now our entire civilization will be transformed into a totally different civilization. The evolution of the human civilization is not an accidental process, depending on pure chance, on climatic conditions, or on the capacities and wishes of the world’s top political and economical leaders. Rather, it is a quantum mandatory chain of social, political, scientific, and technological events governed by the unchanging quantum laws in the universe. Big Money, Big Oil, super-power governments, or persistent political conservatism cannot stop the process of the destruction of the current Free Market Social Order.

Every social order (system) or social class has its periods of progress and blossoming when its concepts fit the momentary state of the evolution of the Alive Observer. These are the happiest and most efficient moments in its history: periods of relative stability, high productivity, and political victories. For Free Market Order, this happy period was the time of the last transition period (before current great-great catastrophe). But the Observer develops and improves his features and performances in Времето while concepts of the social class/social order are no longer in resonance with the current concept of the Observer (on the Quantum Wave of Life Evolution). The social class/order loses its stimulus for active life; it has reached its highest objectives, and its interest in life is abolished. A social class/order such as this vegetates for some time, gradually degenerates and enters into conflict with the next (in the life evolution) social class/order that has already become an embodiment of the Observer’s progressive concept; then the former social class/order is destroyed and replaced by the latter social class/order. The decline of a social class/order is demonstrated in its inability to actively control the politics and economy, corruption reaches enormous proportions, and its culture and morals are no longer positive. All this happens now with Free Market System (the most advanced form of Capitalism) and its social class – rich people.

U.S.A. needs cardinal reforms of its social/economical/political system (the Free Market System) in order to survive as a country in the future. President Obama started these reforms with an overhaul of the health care system. ―The sky didn’t fall. The sun rose today on the U.S. as it always has. The end of the world didn’t happen. Despite the dire warnings of the republicans who opposed President Obama’s health-care plan.‖ The passage of this historic reform in Congress  did not herald the downfall of our civilization as the conservatives warned American people. This reform is just a baby step toward cardinal reform of American political/economical system. Banks and all financial system are next in line for a great reform.

Below is an excerpt from article published in Calgary Herald Tribune:

Reform or kill the System

The public outcry against the bank bailouts was driven in part by suspicions that a heads-we-win, tails-you-lose ethos pervades the financial industry. To many, that Goldman and others are once again minting money — and paying big bonuses to their employees (3.5 bn USD for 2009) — is evidence that Wall Street got a sweet deal at taxpayers’ expense. The accusations against Goldman may only further those suspicions.

The S.E.C. suit against Goldman, if proven true, will confirm to people their suspicions about the total selfishness of these financial institutions,‖ said Steve Fraser, a Wall Street historian and author of ―Wall Street: America’s Dream Palace.‖ ―There’s nothing more damaging than that. This is way beyond recklessness. This is way beyond incompetence. This is cynical, selfish exploiting.

Apocalypse Mobil Homes

Absolutely certain fact is that the End of the World will not happen on 21 December 2012 A.D. Mayan calendar will expire on this date, but Mayan people never claimed the last day of their calendar will be the last day of the world; at least because they had no writing system. However, VIIIth great-great catastrophe could be a small-scale image of the Xth (End of the World) final great-great catastrophe in the history of Life and our Universe. Although the world will not end as a result of the current great-great catastrophe, world organizations, national governments, and individuals must be prepared to face and overcome successfully devastating consequences of this mini- apocalypse. Earthquakes, volcanoes, accelerated tectonic activity, hurricanes, tsunamis, flooding, tornados, severe droughts, solar flares, global warming due to quantum transfer of energy from the Sun to the Earth,…, in big number, and with much increased amplitude than in normal calm times, will devastate the Earth’s surface and the human- made infrastructure. It is very doubtful that governments will be able to rescue all their citizens in such general havoc. Deadly diseases will kill millions. Health care system will be deadly hurt.

Rescue and survival of families and individuals will be their own problem and business. People in heavily destroyed areas must evacuate themselves in more secure places. However, roads and bridges will be destroyed or badly damaged; there will be no electricity and other energy sources around; no clean running water; no comfortable shelters; no food; no medical assistance; no police to protect them against looters; no working Internet, TV, cell phones, and other means of communication; etc. But humans want to live; they will do everything in their power to safe the lives of their kids. In these apocalyptic conditions people need stable, well protected, and well supplied mobile shelter. They need also good training in order to survive in such hostile environment. This apocalyptic mobile home absolutely should have an independent fuel- less source of energy for: electricity, hot water and hot air, cooking, air-conditioning, motion of the mobile home, water purification or desalination, and other energy needs. Energy is Life; especially for contemporary human beings. My quantum free energy generators will provide energy to “apocalyptic mobile homes”! Despite the furious resistance of Canadian governmental institutions (such as Canadian Stock Exchange), Official Science, and oil-industry, I will build this summer (2010) middle-power commercial quantum free energy generator with only $200,000 CAD! And this will happen for sure because I have all needed knowledge and experience to build such generators, because God is behind me, because I’m working for the salvation of the Human Kind, because there are smart and good Canadians who believe in QFE (and me) and are willing to sacrifice their last money for the prosperity and survival of our human civilization. In my QFE work I’m not motivated by the perspective to become very rich person and to be rewarded by Nobel Price.

Xth great-great catastrophe (the End of the World)

Global warming will exterminate the remaining life forms on the Earth. This will be a Global Melting! Tremendous amounts of energy will be transferred from the Sun to the Earth in a quantum way. Earth’s crust will melt. Any form of life will be destroyed! That’s the End of Life and of the Universe!

At the End God will destroy this world by fire, and God will then create a new heaven and new earth.‖ (II Peter 3:12-13; Revelation 21:1).

And the heaven departed as a scroll when is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.‖ (Revelation 6-14).

And again, the Universe and Life in it will resurrect from the ash of the last Armageddon (Xth Great-Great Catastrophe) and will continue (from the Beginning of the Unique Cycle of the Universe) its eternal existence in the limited quantum Времето (4.4 billion years closed-loop cycle). (Dr Kiril Chukanov, General Quantum Mechanics inspired by God).


Conquest of the Moon, Mars, and other bodies in the Solar System

Twelve Apollo astronauts walked on the Moon’s surface, and six of those drove a lunar rover on the Moon. While three astronauts flew to the Moon twice, none of them landed on the Moon more than once. The nine Apollo missions to the moon occurred between December 1968 and December 1972.

Apollo 16 (Casper and Orion) April 16-27, 1972

Launch vehicle: Saturn V

Crew: John W. Young, Thomas K. Mattingly II, Charles M. Duke, Jr.

Duration: 11 days, 1 hour, 51 minutes. In lunar orbit 126 hours, with 64 orbits.

Lunar surface stay-time: 71 hours.

Landing site: Descartes Highlands (8.97 degrees South, 15.51 degrees East).

Apollo 17 (America and Challenger) December 7-19, 1972

Launch vehicle: Saturn V

Crew: Eugene A. Cernan, Ronald B. Evans, Harrison H. Schmitt

Duration: 12 days, 13 hours, 52 minutes. In lunar orbit 17 hours.

Lunar surface stay-time: 75 hours.

The first man to walk on the moon blasted President Barack Obama’s decision to cancel NASA’s back-to-the-moon program on Tuesday, saying that the move is ―devastating‖ to America’s space effort.

Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong’s open letter was also signed by Apollo 17 commander Eugene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon; and Apollo 13 commander Jim Lovell, who is marking the 40th anniversary of his famous lunar non-landing this week.

The letter was released to NBC News just two days in advance of Obama’s trip to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida for a space policy summit. Obama is expected to flesh out his vision for the space agency’s future during his speech at the summit.

The most controversial part of the president’s policy is the cancellation of the Constellation program, which was aimed at developing a new generation of Ares rockets and Orion spacecraft to send astronauts into Earth orbit and beyond.

The idea was that such spacecraft would replace NASA’s space shuttle fleet, which is to be retired by the end of this year. But acting on the advice of an independent panel, the Obama administration determined that the Constellation program could not fulfill NASA’s goals on the required timetable. NASA’s budget proposal, released in February, puts the return to the moon on indefinite hold and instead focuses on developing technologies for future exploration.

„Long downhill slide‟?

Canceling Constellation could lead to thousands of layoffs at some of America’s biggest aerospace contractors, including Lockheed Martin, the Boeing Co. and ATK. Such job losses are among the factors behind congressional opposition to the cancellation. Armstrong and his fellow astronauts emphasize the bigger implications, however, and say in their letter that the decision would put the nation on a “long downhill slide to mediocrity.”

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – President Barack Obama, under the pressure from former Moon’s astronauts and other NASA’s officers, predicted Thursday his new space exploration plan would lead Americans beyond the moon and to Mars within his lifetime. “I expect to be around to see it,” he declared. Obama said that by 2025, the nation would have a new spacecraft “designed for long journeys to allow us to begin the first-ever crewed missions beyond the moon into deep space.”

My comment: There will be no manned flights to Mars not only within Obama‟s lifetime, but also within the six left decades before the End of the World.

The Obama administration decided to pursue a different option, known as the “flexible path.” This option involves developing the technologies for trips beyond Earth orbit, but holding off on a schedule for landings on the moon or Mars until such technologies are further along. Operations on the space station would be extended to 2020, and further steps might include trips around the moon, or to low-gravity destinations such as near-Earth asteroids or a Martian moon. Such steps would set the stage for eventual landings on Mars and the moon.

“Safely sending humans into deep space for years at a time and exploring destinations across the solar system is not something to be done overnight or to be taken lightly,” NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said Tuesday at the National Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colo.

Do we have such a large need to spend so much money (half a trillion USD) and to occupy the time (for several decades) of the best US scientists and engineers for the preparation of a manned mission to Mars, which will finish with the death of astronauts? Only because we want to show to the world that we are the best nation in the world! Former Soviet Union was obsessed with the same grandness mania and finished in the cemetery of history. Do you want this to happen to the USA?

General Quantum Mechanics, revealed to me by God claims:

We are alone in the enormous vastness of the universe, and our planet holds alone the torch of Life! It is impossible (in principle) and it is absolutely senseless to try to conquer and inhabit other heavenly bodies even within boundaries of the Solar System, since nature, committed to preserving world symmetries, will be very hostile to every attempt to expand the Alive Observer’s radius of living and activity. That is confirmed by experimental attempts to breed or reproduce living organisms in space. Within certain range around our planet life can exist for short time.

It is very doubtful (―impossible‖ is the right word) whether man can fly on spacecraft to any of the planets or asteroids of the Solar System. In term of space, the Alive Observer (Life on Earth) exists on the Earth’s surface. Here is also the eternal residence of God. Away from the Earth’s surface, when, the genetic relation (process of quantum instantaneous transfer of information and control; and without material carrier) with those of the same species, family, class, the Alive Observer, and God, is disconnected, the genetic apparatus undergoes irreversible mutations, the immune system no longer defends the organism against microbes. Finally this leads to the death of organism. The spiritual energizer (the soul) of man is also disconnected from the collective quantum spiritual energizer of the human kind and it is destroyed in short time (maybe 2-3 months). Astronauts will no more look like human beings. Manned flights to Mars would be waste of huge money, assassination of astronauts, a craziness!!!

Instead of taking risk with the life of human beings-astronauts, it is much wiser for NASA to send some colony of simple earth’s organisms on the Moon and to see what will happen with them after one year there (in a capsule on the Moon’s surface).

Stimulated Mission to Mars Will Last 500 Days

Four Europeans vying to become guinea pigs for a 500-day stimulated mission to Mars. They say: ―We are proud to put our young lives on hold for the stake of scientific advancements‖  ―I want to help humanity take a step forward by improving our level of knowledge‖, 28-year old Belgian candidate Jerome Clevers said at the European Space Agency.

Fellow Diego Urbina, 26, of Italy, said: ―When the first humans step on Mars I can say: ―Yeah, I helped do that.‖

Two of the four candidates will be locked in a fake interplanetary space-ship this summer in Moscow with three Russians and a Chinese participant.‖

This is a stupid, very, very stupid, senseless, and very dangerous experiment!!!

Social/Economical/Political System after the VIII th Great-Great Catastrophe

Only cretins like Tea Party supporters can believe that the history of the U.S.A. can be reversed. U.S.A. of XXI th century is not U.S.A. at the end of XVIII th century.

Here is shown an excerpt from Calgary Herald: ―Heavily armed anti-Obama protesters cause stir near Capitol Hill‖; excerpt from article published in Calgary Herald, April 20, 2010.

This time they came armed: with loaded combat pistols, assault rifles, and extra 12-bullet clips in their pockets. They came carrying signs: ―Freedom never fails, but socialism does‖, ―Restore the Constitution‖, ―Never in history have Marxists understood anything but the barrel of the gun‖, “President Obama – communist”, etc.

Hey, armed conservative anti-Obama guys, don’t forget what happened with conservative confederate guys (at the time of Civil War) who were fighting another US president -political representative of the state Illinois – defending the rotten slavery system in America!!! What do you defend now: the System which allows 50 million American non-insured, the System which allows tens of million Americans on foreclosure (homeless), the System which allows fat bankers from Wall Street to have multimillion salaries and bonuses (robbed from regular Americans) at the time when regular working Americans are struggling to survive, the System which allows only rich people to support their kids in the colleges, the System which allows unlimited exploitation of its own people and the people from third world, the System which makes wars to another countries for oil or political dominance,…?

Those armed idiots (most of them are white, wealthy people, uneducated farmers with guns) don’t understand that everything changes in this world, nothing is eternal, the US Constitution is not given to the American nation forever by God, the Free Market System (last, most advanced form of Capitalism) is condemned (by quantum laws in nature) to die (next decade) and no conservative armed protestors can stop the process of transformation of American society! Marx, socialism, communism,…,‖ are just words to scare regular Americans; Marx-Lenin-Mao Dze Dun communism is gone forever even though in Russia and China. New social-economical system is coming to America and to the rest of the world; system without exploitation, fair, socially equal, more economically efficient! Is God Marxist? Can you fight God with your guns?

Slavery and wild pre-great depression capitalism are already in the past. The social-political System of the VIII th transition Period of Life (the Free Market Capitalism) is dying. The first great period in the evolution of Human Civilization ―Exploitive Human Civilization‖ is coming to its end! Nothing, even the Tea Party, even God, can save Capitalism for the future! We are on the threshold of the last in the evolution of Life great quantum period: ―Fair, Non-Exploitative Human Civilization.‖ Or whatever we can name it. Only God knows what this last human civilization would be. The absolute certain thing is, however, that this social system will not be a repetition of the Marx-Lenin style socialism or communism. History of Life (the Quantum Wave of Life Evolution) never goes back, it never uses its old forms. There is not even the slightest doubt that big banks, the insurance industry, all other financial institutions, and big industrial companies will be owned by the people and controlled by local or federal governments. Farms and small businesses (mostly family businesses) could be private. Small towns, cities, or counties could owe local banks and bigger businesses (plants, utilities, big stores); collective property will replace big private property. The collective mentality of people living after VIII th great-great catastrophe will be totally different from our contemporary collective mentality. The most important social feature of the next generation of human beings (living in IXth and Xth Life Period) will be a ―collective fight for the survival of Human Kind in the conditions of destruction of Life on Earth during last decades before the End of the World.‖ No more profit, greed, selfishness, exploitation, arrogance, and luxury life at the expense of others.


Кирил Чуканов

Кирил Чуканов

Български учен и иноватор в областта на квантовата енергия с бакалавърска, магистърска и докторска степен. Основател на "General Energy International" и "Chukanov Quantum Energy, LLC". Автор на три книги и притежаващ два патента в областта на квантовата енергия.