Is the matter still a mystery?
Everything starts in the ocean of energy our world is floating in. In ancient times, people believed our world was flat and floating in the sea surrounded by water. Believe it or not, there is a truth to some extent in every fairytale. Let’s look at where the truth resides.
From a quantum physics perspective, the world looks like a leaf in the ocean of quantum energy surrounded by boundaries limited by matter’s origin. On the left, our world is limited by the distance between the primary structural atomic particles. On the right, by the speed of light imitation, on the bottom are the properties of our base structural material particles, protons, and electrons, and on the top is the size of our universe and the ability to sustain the largest objects in the universe. Those large objects cannot sustain bigger sizes than they currently occur due to their structural forces. Above the critical mass, they just collapse into the ocean of energy.

Figure 1
We have discovered a “quantum realm of discrete matter.” See Figure 1. Discrete matter consists of individual particles that exist for extended periods and can convert between different forms. This stability allows them to exist in our three-dimensional world, composed of individual objects. We perceive, measure, and interact with these objects through our senses as part of our three-dimensional material reality. Beyond this reality, we encounter three- and two-dimensional quantum material objects, such as protons and electrons, as illustrated at the bottom of the chart.
There are limits to the ordered world. The smallest and largest stable objects in the universe define these limits. The curves labeled Rke and Rkp represent the lower boundary imposed by the critical mass of the proton and electron. This is the border where the smallest particles, protons, and electrons are formed, and our world becomes visible. The curve Rc indicates the maximum energy limit for matter, constrained by the quantization of the speed of light and the size of the particles. At the same time, Rd on the left represents the minimum energy limit for sustaining the protons and electrons stable. It is essential to understand these quantum limits to grasp the mechanics of our current three-dimensional world.
The electrons are formed on the left of the Rke boundary and are not part of the atomic nuclei yet, e.g., The protons are formed on the left of the Rkp boundary. In between both boundaries, only protons exist. The matter starts forming out at a point in R-E space, such as point 3 in Figure 1. The matter will spontaneously move to the right in Figure 1, from point 3 to the boundary Rk,p, e.g., at point 2, in the form of a gas and to accomplish this move will gain energy.
The gas, as it exists within the ordered world, is at a point in R-E space, such as point 4, at which the atoms or molecules of the gas have their electrons, and their behavior conforms to the accepted principles of physics. As commonly known, the atoms and molecules of the gas may be caused to ionize, in which some of the atomic nuclei are left free of electrons. Still, these electrons are initially above the Rk,e boundary because the spatial distance R between them is too great. As will be explained below, the spatial distance between the electron-free ions may be caused to be decreased, such that the electron-free nuclei find themselves below the boundary Rk,p. During this time, they spontaneously move to that boundary and, in the process, generate energy (shown in Figure 1 as ΔE).
After a short existence, they jump right to the quantum boundary of the stable existence zone of matter, see Figure 1. This jump is accompanied by a gain of energy “ΔE”. The jump takes place right at the quantum boundary Rkp because the quantum gain delta R (violation of the law of energy conservation) is minimal. And this happens because there is a quantum principle of minimum effect in nature. For example, a water drop with a small weight (negligible influence of gravity) always assumes a spherical shape because, for this shape, the surface energy of the drop is minimal.
How is matter created?
In cosmological models of the Big Bang, the Lepton Epoch was the period in the evolution of the early universe in which the leptons dominated the mass of the Universe. It started roughly 1 second after the Big Bang after most hadrons and anti-hadrons annihilated each other at the end of the hadron epoch.
Well this assumption is true to some extent, including in the timing of the events. It is very important to understand that there is no time perspective in the inanimate three-dimensional world, and those processes are simultaneously and continuously occurring in our known world. The Big Ban,g as initially explained in astrophysics never happened in reality. Although in any theory that sticks around there is always a truth essence that can be leveraged. Let’s explain the creation of matter in a different perspective.
Let’s return to the area isolated between Rkp and Rke. This area is an important factor in creating the matter in our known world. Below the quantum boundary, Rke leptons are formed and while moving on the right side of the boundary Rkp is where the proton matter is formed. The matter is continuously ongoing through its creation. The Big Bang is not a source event, but a supercritical state of existence that continuously emanates leptons and hadrons while surfacing the boundary Rkp. Beyond that boundary, a nucleus and, therefore atoms are formed.
We have replicated those events in our labs. Under high energy discharge conditions an exception occurs, and a giant macro atom is generated in the form of ball lightning. It is important to understand that the laws of physics are valid within the boundary of the ordered world’s existence. In the belt between Rke and Rkp there is a different quantum organization with its laws, as well as below the Rke boundary. For that area of existence, the modified Clapeyron-Chukanov gas-plasma law is in force. To keep the equilibrium of the universe’s mass, the low-energy particles return to the supercritical belt we will discuss below.
What is Super Dense Plasma?
When discussing the existence of matter outside of the ordered world, we should not expect it to exist in any of the three aggregate states: gas, liquid, or solid. Plasma is often considered the fourth state of matter; however, it is still merely a state of the ordered world, as it consists of highly ionized particles. We can further explain how quality change occurs when plasma is compressed to a super-dense state, which can be considered a separate aggregate state.
Every gas or liquid changes its properties when its triple point is manipulated. For example, the water phase diagram illustrates the behavior of water as temperature and pressure change. The curve between the critical point and the triple point demonstrates how the boiling point of water varies with changes in pressure. It also shows the saturation pressure in relation to temperature changes. The quantum point represents a new state of matter where quantum effects come into play. After the SDP point, the matter starts to behave as a continuous source of energy and violates the law of preservation of energy.

Figure 2
The water triple point occurs at 0°C and 1 atmosphere (1 Bar). At this specific point, water exists in all three of its states: to the left of this point is the solid state (ice), above it is the liquid state (water), and below it is the gaseous state (water vapor). Water is not a compensable liquid, and compared to gases, it requires a significant amount of energy to change its normal state.
The critical point of water is at 374°C and 221 bars, beyond which water behaves as if it exists in all three states simultaneously. To the left of the critical point, water remains a liquid; below it, it is still in the gas phase; and above this critical point, water becomes a supercritical fluid (SCF). This supercritical state has a higher energy transfer capability, which has drawn the attention of researchers in nuclear science aiming to improve the efficiency of nuclear fusion plants from 33% to 44%.
If water is further compressed, it can reach another state of matter called “super dense plasma” (SDP). The SDP point is determined by a molecular distance 100,000 times the size of a water molecule. The size of a water molecule (Rw) is 0.275 nm, or Rw = 2.75E-8 cm. If the distance (R) is 100,000 times Rw, the temperature (T) reaches 5,000°C.
Achieving SDP is not easy with conventional science and has never been realized outside of its occurrence as a natural phenomenon. Such phenomena occur in the cores of stars and planets. Therefore, novel scientific methods and technologies are needed to create the conditions necessary for realizing this fourth state of matter.
Scientists from the Chukanov Energy consortium have studied a natural phenomenon known as ball lightning and created a controlled environment to manipulate known states of matter and modulate this fourth aggregate state.
As we explained, the existence of matter in its four aggregate states is possible only within the quantum boundaries of the ordered world. According to the quantum theory presented in the Chukanov Quantum books, matter can be created through the electron-proton belt. Discussions about the fourth state of matter indicate that achieving this state with current technological advancements is only feasible if well-controlled quantum phenomena are used in the process.