What is Gravity?

The English physicist Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravitation, considered one of humankind’s most remarkable achievements. While its impact on scientific development has been significant, we now appreciate its practical applications, especially in enabling humans to fly in space.

But why is this law so simple and elegant? What fundamental principles explain the nature of gravitation? Neither Newton nor any subsequent researchers have been able to provide satisfactory answers to these questions. The formula for the law of universal attraction, which addresses the behavior of weak gravitational fields, is derived from the equations of General Relativity.

These concepts are not theoretically grounded; they do not arise from a fundamental philosophical principle. Instead, these postulates are accepted as given. The central postulate regarding the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass has been experimentally verified with certain accuracy under Earth conditions. However, this postulate could be challenged in the presence of powerful gravitational fields. Additionally, certain universal constants may alter this law under specific conditions.

Gravity Forces

In the following paragraph, we demonstrate that the law of universal gravitation is based upon the three pillars of universal harmony: the three laws of motion preservation. Every material object is simultaneously a unity and struggle of opposites. In quantum time Δtmin, the object is simultaneously equivalent and un-equivalent to itself. One of the two opposite sides, “m1“, develops itself with a velocity Vmin (quantum velocity) toward the other side, “m0” which is accepted as a basic, initial state. The evolution (development) follows the direction of the positive space dimension values (external development) along axis “+y” (Figure 1).

Fig 1 1
Fig. 1

The dual nature of material objects allows them to exist simultaneously along axes “x” and “y”. For this reason, two opposite object masses also exist simultaneously: (m0 and m1). Quantum velocity Vmin determines the electromagnetic mass, while the gravitational mass is determined by velocity u = c.

The amount of power exerted upon the developing side of the object m1 is:

(1) | F u | = d m 1 × u d t
This leads to the equation:
(2) | F u | = m 1 × m 2 R 2 × G

This is Newton’s famous Law of Gravitational Attraction.

The similar form of the laws of gravitational interactions:

(3) F g = G × m 1 × m 2 R 2

And electromagnetic interactions:

(4) F e = q 1 × q 2 R 2

Above equations (3) and (4) suggest that there might be a very deep relation between the two.

Like any other object, the electron exists simultaneously on both orthogonal axes “x” and “y” and has a dual nature. This duality is also reflected in the presence of both wave and corpuscular properties. (See Figure 2.)

Fig 2 1
Fig. 2

The maximum quantum spatial dimension in the universe is Runiv = 1 X c2, and the minimum is Rmin = Rel = 1 x u2min (umin = Vmin quantum velocity). The ratio derived based on these two extreme quantities is:

(5) R univ R e l = C 2 u min 2 = A e


Ae – world fundamental constant, the only possible value of which is demonstrated and substantiated below. The electromagnetic interaction is Ae-times stronger than the gravitational interaction.

Formula (5) indicates that the gravitational interaction between the two elements of the dipole is manifested through the maximum distance in the universe Runiv (hidden, internal dimension of the electron); the electromagnetic interaction between the two elements of the dipole (with the same mass m1) is displayed through the minimum spatial dimension in the universe Rel (quantum spatial dimension). The gravitational interaction is a mutated electromagnetic interaction and vice versa.

Because of the principle of world unity, all objects are image manifestations of a single unique object. The common nature of gravitational and electromagnetic interactions holds for any pair of objects. They may be viewed as the two elements of a single object. They have a common model.

Space and time symmetry and homogeneity are reflected in gravitational and electromagnetic interactions; they are realized in the course of quantum time Δt, and there are no material carriers of these interactions. As will be seen later, neither the photon nor the graviton (gravitational field quantum), which does not exist in nature, has anything in common with the actual manifestations of these interactions. The gravitational and electromagnetic fields are the elementary reason for inanimate matter.


Fig 3 1
Fig. 3

Figure 3 illustrates the directions of gravitational attraction and electromagnetic repulsion between the two elements of an electron or between two electrons. Passing through the big circle (Runiv), the electromagnetic repulsion is transformed into a gravitational attraction. It brings the two electrons closer. The ratio for the quantities of interaction powers between two different electrons at a distance R each from the other is:

| F e l . m a g | | F g r | = | e 2 R 2 | | m e l 2 R 2 | × G =
(6) = e 2 m e l 2 × G = A e = 4.17 × 10 42
(6) | F e l . m a g | | F g r | = | e 2 R 2 | | m e l 2 R 2 | × G = e 2 m e l 2 × G = A e = 4.17 × 10 42

According to Formulas (5) and (6), we receive

| F e l . m a g | | F g r | = C 2 u m i n 2 = (7) = R u n i v R e l = A e = 4.17 × 10 42
(7) | F el.mag | | F g r | = C 2 u min 2 = R univ R e l = A e = 4.17 × 10 42

True for any object in a state of rest with regard to itself (V = Vmin), it has been noted:

(8) G = V min c

If the quantities of the gravitational potentials of the object in a state of rest are divided, the result we may expect should be 1. The two potentials are equivalent. This formula implies constant equivalence (G = G’) and, more importantly, equivalence between the inertia and gravitational masses.

Electromagnetism and gravity are the two faces of unique fundamental interaction in the universe. The electrical charge of the electron, e = 4 .8 X 10-10 CGS (quantum electrical charge), could be considered as a gravity mass of the electron acting on the axis “x” (see Figure 3).

In brief, gravity is an elastic response of the material body in a space continuum. The gravitational response is triggered by the presence of a material substance immersed in the space continuum. The gravitational response depends on the location of the material body in that area of the ordered world (Fig. 4). Gravity is not a specific form of matter. Neither is it some material field. Table 1 illustrates the dependence between quantum spatial dimensions and corresponding quantum energies.

Quantum Aspects

According to contemporary scientific concepts, gravitational interactions between bodies occur within a gravitational field, which is thought to be mediated by hypothetical particles called gravitons. However, this understanding of gravity needs refinement. Gravitational interactions between material bodies cannot be attributed to material particles acting as mediators; instead, they arise from underlying quantum symmetries and limitations.

Fig4 2
Fig. 4

In summary, gravity is the elastic response of a material body within a space continuum. This gravitational response is initiated by the presence of a material object immersed in that continuum. The nature of this response depends on the object’s location within the specific area of the ordered world (see Fig. 4). Importantly, gravity is not a particular type of matter, nor is it a material field. Table 1 illustrates the relationship between quantum spatial dimensions and their corresponding quantum energies.

Table1 1
Table 1

NOTE: to the left of point α, energy E represents the kinetic energy of the material body or the elementary object in the system. To the right of point α, energy E represents the materialized energy: E = m x c2.

Fig5 1
Fig. 5

The ordinary or most common state of matter is to exist on the quantum boundary Rd. In this state, space (electron continuum) is neither expanded nor compressed but merely stable. Typically, the area of the existence of matter lies between Rk,p, and Rd, and the average distance R between its two neighboring elementary objects, or the components, is designated at Rk,p < R < Rd (Figure 5). This is where the matter as we know it is formed.

Thus, the space occupied by the quantum material objects is compressed and attempts to reach stability again by expansion. As a result, between these elementary material objects appear forces of repulsion. We may term them as forces of gravitational repulsion because they share common routes with the regular forces of attraction. (See Figure 6). At the Rk,p = Rd is the entry point of our material world as we know it, where the repulsion begins. At the right of this point, the laws governing energy preservation are valid. 

Fig6 1
Fig 6

The most common average distance between the quantum objects in the material medium is closer to Rk,p, while the force of gravitational repulsion is stronger. The quantum boundaries for the energies involved in these interactions represent transitions to a new quality (a new object type). The energies of some interactions can oscillate around this quantum boundary but cannot extend their influence further than the neighboring quantum boundary (see Figure 7).

Fig7 1
Fig. 7

For example:

• The bond energy of the electrons in an atom of light helium is about 80 eV (just equal to the quantum value). For hydrogen, the bond energy is 13.6 eV. The bond energy of the electrons in the heavy atoms can reach the quantum boundary of 263 KeV.

• The bond energy of nucleons in the atomic nucleus oscillates at around 4.02 MeV; the upper boundary of “7” determines the maximum number of nucleons in the atomic nuclei. The last artificially synthesized chemical element is the 110th, corresponding to the upper quantum level “7.” 

• The transition zone from one form of matter (atoms) to another (nucleus) is an energy zone of the particles radiated by the atomic nucleus: 50 KeV + 8 MeV.

At point αp occurs, a quantum jump, a transition from the energies generated by proton matter’s movement to the proton’s materialized energy (gravitational mass) and its twin, the neutron. All associations of material objects with gravitational mass (nucleons, atomic nuclei, atoms, molecules, dust, grains of sand, rocks, planets, stars, and galaxies) determine the state of the electron positron material space-continuum associated with them. They try to expand the space continuum while the space continuum tries to compress itself to the lower quantum boundary Rc,n, which is its normal state. (See Figure 8).

Fig8 1
Fig. 8

Objects whose substance falls within the area of determined matter ( R > Rc,n) try to compress their expanded space; as a result, forces of gravitational attraction appear between them. This attraction is the ordinary function of gravity as we know it. When both elements of the material object are at a distance R > Rc,n from one another, forces of gravitational attraction Fgr appear between them.

Fig9 1
Fig. 9

The absolute frame of reference by which we measure and compare the values of the parameters is the system associated with the electron positron material space-continuum. Therefore, two distances occur between the two protons: Ry (which we measure directly and denote as R) and Rx– Expanding the space through axis “y,” the protons simultaneously compress the space through axis “x.” Expanding the space through axis “y” results in the appearance of gravitational forces of attraction between both elements of proton I and II:

(9) φ = M R

This equation demonstrates the potential of gravitational attraction, where M = the gravitational charge (mass of the proton). The repulsion between the proton’s elements is their electromagnetic repulsion.

Fig10 2
Fig. 10

Therefore, gravitational attraction and electromagnetic repulsion have the same origin. Electromagnetic repulsion between both elements of proton I and II, in traversing the great circle, decreases αP times and becomes gravitational repulsion. (See Figure 11).

Fig11 2
Fig. 11

Nuclear forces of attraction are forces of electromagnetic repulsion that have “degenerated.” Three fundamental forces (electromagnetic, nuclear, and gravity) have a common nature. The fourth fundamental force-weak interaction has nothing in common with the other three fundamental interactions. Of interest to this discussion, however, is gravitational interaction. The gravitational interaction of repulsion, or anti-gravitation, appears only among separate nucleons since it operates only in that part of the determined region to the left of point αp (point 6, Figure 5, preceding the appearance of agglomerations of nucleon matter such as nuclei and stars).

(10) F tot = F grav + F antigrav F antigrav = F tot F grav
G ( R ) M 1 × M 2 R 2 G M 1 × M 2 R 2 =
= M 1 × M 2 R 2 ( G ( R ) G )
G ( R ) M 1 × M 2 R 2 G M 1 × M 2 R 2 = M 1 × M 2 R 2 ( G ( R ) G )
F antigrav F grav = G ( R ) G G = (11) = G ( R ) G 1
(11) F antigrav F grav = G ( R ) G G = G ( R ) G 1

Furthermore, the constant G depends on R, while the gravitational potentials for both kinds of gravity are different from each other. The lower measurement is true only for R << Rgrav (see Figure 12).

(12) F = G M 1 × M 2 R 2
Fig12 3
Fig. 12

Try to penetrate into the behavior of this second-generation substance, which is still unknown to contemporary scientists. Nucleons and atoms of this second generation are created by cooling an ordinary (first-generation) substance. Their typical energies of connection and dissociation are about (k1,e)3 = (2.33 X 102)3 =1.26 X 107 times lower than those of known nucleons and atoms.

The Gravitational Constant

From (6) we already know:

(13) A e = F e l F g = e 2 G × m e 2 = 4.17 × 10 42
A e = F e l F g = e 2 G × m e 2 = = 4.17 × 10 42


Fel is the force of electrical repulsion
Fg is the force of gravity

Also, we can define the coefficient of quantum proportionality:

(14) β = M p m e = 1 , 836

From GOM parts II and IV we derived the world constant, which is the ratio of the electromagnetic force versus the gravity force between an electron and proton:

A e , p ^ = F e F g = (15) = e 2 G × m e × M p = 2.27 × 10 39
A e , p = A e , p ^ π 2 = e 2 π 2 × G × m e × M p = (16) = 1.465 × 10 39
(15) A e , p ^ = F e F g = e 2 G × m e × M p = 2.27 × 10 39 (16) A e , p = A e , p π / 2 = e 2 π / 2 × G × m e × M p = 1.465 × 10 39


(17) A e , p 12 = 1 , 836 = β = M p m e

Hence from (16) and (17) we receive:

(18) β 12 = e 2 π / 2 × G × m e × M p (19) ( M p m e ) 13 = β 13 = e 2 π / 2 × G × m e 2

We obtain the essential formula (20) for the gravity constant:

(20) G = e 2 π / 2 × β 13 × m e 2


β = 1 , 836 M p = 1.67 × 10 24 g , m e = 0.911 × 10 27 g , e = 4.8 × 10 10 dyn 1 / 2 cm ( stat C )


G = ( 4.8 × 10 10 ) 2 1.57 × ( 1.836 × 10 3 ) 13 × ( 0.911 × 10 27 ) 2 = = 6.6 × 10 8
G = ( 4.8 × 10 10 ) 2 1.57 × ( 1.836 × 10 3 ) 13 × ( 0.911 × 10 27 ) 2 = 6.6 × 10 8

Also, we can obtain the essential formula for the proton mass:

(21) M p I 3 = e 2 × m e I I π / 2 × G (22) e 2 π / 2 × G = M x 2
M x = ( 4.8 × 10 10 ) 2 1.57 × 6.67 × 10 8 = = 1.48 × 10 6 g
(21) M p l 3 = e 2 × m e I I π / 2 × G (22) e 2 π / 2 × G = M x 2 M x = ( 4.8 × 10 10 ) 2 1.57 × 6.67 × 10 8 = 1.48 × 10 6 g

M x is the mass of the elementary brick of animate matter!
The ratio e 2 m e 2 has the same dimension as G g dyn. cm 2 g -2 and for the elementary gravity constant G el we receive:

G e l = e 2 m e 2 = (23) = 2.776 × 10 35 dyn cm 2 g 2
(23) G e l = e 2 m e 2 = 2.776 × 10 35 dyn cm 2 g 2

Or, in support of GOM II, we confirm the main coefficient of proportionality in the universe Ae:

G e l G g = 2.776 × 10 35 6.67 × 10 8 = = 4.17 × 10 42 = A e = (24) = F e l F g = e 2 G × m e 2
(24) G e l G g = 2.776 × 10 35 6.67 × 10 8 = 4.17 × 10 42 = A e = F e l F g = e 2 G × m e 2

This fundamental formula shows the electromagnetic origin of gravity deriving only from the elementary charge and mass of the electron and proton. 


Contemporary science has a substantial understanding of the composition and behavior of matter. Individual particles, such as molecules and atoms, interact with one another through various fundamental forces, including strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational fields. For this aspect of matter, all known laws of physics are applicable, including the laws of thermodynamics and gravity. Matter, in this context, does not violate these fundamental natural laws.

The five dominant theories of modern physics are Quantum Mechanics, the Theory of General Relativity, Big Bang Cosmology, Chromodynamics, and the Grand Unification Theory. Although the Theory of General Relativity is often praised, it needs to adequately account for the quantum nature of the universe. The Einstein gravitational field equations, which involve complex components like the metric tensor gμ,v, and its derivatives, do not provide a satisfactory explanation of gravity. Their values remain unexplained within the confines of relativistic theory.

The differential equations in General Relativity preclude the possibility of quantum values for certain parameters (Δx -> 0) and overlook the significant changes in the properties of being during transitions between different structural levels. Einstein’s theory can be seen as a cloak that suggests the shape of the underlying reality while concealing important details. Despite this, it is essential to acknowledge the respect due to Einstein, as he challenged conventional ideas about the nature of the universe and viewed the Theory of General Relativity, from its inception, as a step toward establishing a unified field theory.

Einstein envisioned a future theory based on simple, symmetrical laws incorporating the fewest possible fundamental constants, whose values exist only in a plausible harmonic world.

We have established the theory of the universe’s quantum origin, which posits that the universe is composed of light photons. All living creatures are permanently connected to the boundaries of the 2-dimensional manifold of the universe and are in constant motion. Contrary to the claims of contemporary scientists, our universe is not expanding. It does not change over time, and its parameters and fundamental constants have remained the same throughout its existence, which has lasted approximately 4.4 billion years. The spatial dimensions of our universe are finite, yet there are no definitive beginnings or endpoints within the space it occupies. Every point on the closed, curved 2-dimensional surface of the universe serves as both a beginning and an end simultaneously.


George Stantchev

George Stantchev

Bulgarian scientist and innovator with Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees in Physics and Business. Founder and executive director of Chukanov Quantum Energy, Ltd. Author of multiple patents and papers in the field of quantum energy.

Kiril Chukanov

Kiril Chukanov

Bulgarian scientist and innovator in the field of quantum energy with Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees. Founder of General Energy International and Chukanov Quantum Energy, LLC. Author of three books and holder of two patents in the field of quantum energy.